21. Man Of The Match

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Ren kissed me. Ren kissed me. Ren kissed me.

And the funny part is that I kissed him back. I, Gina Rosen, who had vowed to never indulge in such heinous acts, kissed a guy.

Well, technically it wasn't any guy. It was Ren. And to my utmost astonishment, the kiss wasn't as heinous—or terrible and revolting as I had always thought of it—it was actually sweet. I had my first kiss, and that's all I could think about for two nights, and all I can think about now; now as in world history.

"Is it just me," I note as I uncap my pen, "Or does Daniella look extra sour today?"

Kate laughs, eyes glued to her phone. "She does. After all, she didn't win the homecoming queen." she says in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Speaking of which," Amy turns to me, "You won the title–"

"But since you weren't there, i got that title—" Kate chides in with a smile. "Thanks hun,"

"Shut up, Kaitlin." Amy says, causing Kate to gasp, "As I was saying, where were you?"

Oh, I did not think about that. I wish I could tell them about Ren. They would've been so happy. no, scratch that. that would've been the case, had it been some other guy. Gah, why is this so hard?


"I had to go out with my Aunt." is the only excuse I could come up with.

"You've never missed homecoming before." Kate looks at me, dubious. Amy nods in agreement.

"Yeah, but Olivia wasn't there for the last three years." i point out, which was, in fact true.

"Sounds fair." Amy pats me on the arm, "No worries, we all know the other titles are yours." then returns to her book, "Ugh, i can't read more than one page here."

I look down at my own open book and glance around the class. judging from my classmates' expression, no one is interested in learning about the cuban missile crisis 1962.

"My head feels like it's going to explode." I sigh, turning to another page, "Don't forget we have to write an essay on this thing."

"I'll do it later." Amy closes the book and slides closer to me, "I need a new lip gloss."

"Me too." I write down the tasks for today; First, get done with this essay.

She smirks, "Do you not have a whole section filled with them?"

"One can never have enough lip glosses." I say with a grin and she shrugs,

"Can't argue with that." she grins too, "How about we get the Dior Addict-ultra-gloss?" She opens the website and shows it to me.

"Yep, I'm getting shade 785." I say immediately, mauve is such a good shade. Amy looks thoughtfully at all the other shades before she makes a choice.

"Coral for me." Then we both turn to Kate. "What about you?"

She doesn't seem to hear us, still looking at her phone intently. Amy and I share a look. and I know we're both wondering what's going on in her mind.

After the lesson ends, I go to the restroom to reapply my lipstick. On my way back, my eyes fall on the vast bullet-in board present in the lobby. The first notice catches my interest, which says that the cheer exhibition is in two days. Bring it on.

Making a mental note to have practice after school, I'm checking the other sheets when I hear a snide voice behind me.

"Don't be too proud, this isn't over yet."

I scoff, "Okay, and?" I couldn't care less at this point. her face resembling a tomato, Daniella seems to be at a loss of words. finally she comes up with, "I–just, whatever." she huffs and stalks away.

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