4. Complications

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The smirk on Liam's face gives me the urge to punch him. I have no idea why this isn't affecting me, even Kate's laughing along with the others. Great. 

Ren stood up to Daniella easily, but with the rest of the school population? I honestly don't think so. 

"Get out of the way." He says, reaching for his book. Just as Liam drops two more. Could he be any more of a jerk? I watch, frozen, as everyone laughs again. Thankfully, at that moment, Vice Principal's voice echoes from the speakers, "Break's over. Locker passing time begins now. You have just five minutes. If I see anyone in the hallway, they'll be given a warning card." 

Students disperse instantly as if there had been a fire alarm and I hear Liam say "Freak" before he too heads off in the lockers' direction.

"See you in practice, Gina." Kate says in my ear and with a mocking look in Ren's direction, she goes upstairs as well, leaving me alone with Ren. 

He bends down to retrieve his fallen books. I reach out but before he can see, pull my hand back to my side again. This is going to be hard. 

Walk away. Just walk away. The voice at the back of my head says. 

But helping him won't hurt. A quick glance around tells me that no one else is here. My status will remain unaffected. Taking a deep breath, I bend down too and pick up a trigonometry book. He looks up the same moment I look down. I couldn't bear to look into his eyes for some reason.  I don't know what it is about them but they draw me in whenever I look into them and everything else slips away. 

"This belongs to you, Ren." I feel a thrill go through me as I say his name and I hate it. I don't know what it is about him that's pulling me in. 

"Thanks." He says in his silky voice and I swallow, realizing that my hand is still holding his book. Flushed, I hand it to him and stand up. I force myself to say the next words, even though I feel bad while saying them, 

"It's better if we're not friends." 

To my surprise, Ren nods. I can feel his gaze on me as I run down the corridor. I slow down when I reach the girls bathroom. Fortunately, it's vacant. I go in and clutch the sides of the marble sink and suck in a breath.

"I'm doing the right thing, right?" I ask slowly, squeezing my eyes shut. "But why doesn't it feel that way?"

I'm well aware that my league and his league are spheres that do not touch. So I am doing what's right, it won't just benefit me but him too. This will be good for both of us. I have to stay away from him. 

"Why does that feel wrong?" I groan, "I'm not making fun of him or anything, and still I feel terrible." 

Opening my eyes and looking at my reflection, I sigh. "And I'm talking to myself." I mutter, running a hand through my hair, "Could I be any more stupid?" 

Shaking my head, I walk out. 

I've arrived at the conclusion that one of my friends dished out the information about Ren to the blog. I'm positive that when Amy was telling us everything, the other students from our school which were present in the shop at that time, were either talking really loud or were busy doing their homework while drinking coffee. 

As I walk out to the field for cheer practice towards my squad, I can already hear giggles and Ren's name among people. Oh God. I had a smoothie bowl for breakfast and right now I hope it stays in my stomach. 

"Gina! I was looking for you!" A voice says as I'm pulled back by my arm and Payton's face comes in view. She has this blonde hair with dark roots, pretty brown eyes and suntanned skin. Like everyone else, she's wearing the cheer uniform too but instead of pom-poms, there's a notebook in her hand. 

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