13. In This Together

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 I lean back and Ren gets up swiftly as nurse Giles walks in.

For a wild second, I thought it as Kate.

"Ah you're up," she says, relieved as well, "How are you feeling?"

"Better." I respond with a smile. Beside me Ren raises his eyebrows and mouths really. "Can I go now?"

"You can. But if you feel any pain, come back okay?" she says, "It could've been much worse, but thank God it wasn't. Mind you, it'll take some time t recover."

I shudder, I wouldn't have been able to continue as flyer otherwise, or cheer captain.

"See you tomorrow then." I swing my legs down from the bed and grab my bag with my good hand.

"Just be careful." She advises, moving to sit at her desk. "And try not to move it much!"

I nod and walk out with Ren.

Once in the hallway, Ren asks, "You sure it doesn't hurt much?"

"Yeah, thanks to you."

"Formalities." He mutters and I giggle. He looks at me for a few seconds...then smiles. As we walk through the big glass doors, I look down at my bandaged hand and frown. Nurse said not to move it much. But homecoming's around the corner. Does that mean...no, I am the cheer captain and the flyer; I have to be there-

"No," I groan, stopping in my tracks.

"Hey," Ren stops too, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

I shake my head, "She said it will take time to recover." I say glumly, "I won't get to perform in the match, and then if I don't do that then—"

"Gina, Gina," he interrupts me, "Listen to me."

I press my lips together and do my best to focus on him. Mom never missed out a thing when it came to cheer.

"I know this means a lot to you, but don't worry, that position is yours. You'll be fine in no time." He says, "And nurse said it'll take time, so what? Anything can happen."

He sounded so serious I look up, "You think so?"

"I know so."

I smile at that and he says, "Now come on, let's get out of here."

It feels weird in a way; Just the two of us walking through the nearly vacant parking lot. My car is the only vehicles here. As we walk to my car, I sway a bit on the spot, the sidewalks threatening to come closer.

"You shouldn't drive." Ren comments, his fingers closing around my wrist gently and I regain my balance.

"I'm fine." I assure him, though I know I'm not.

"Sure." He says disapprovingly, "You can call your aunt?"

"I can't. She's at work, plus my car would stay here then..." Wait a minute. I glance around the parking lot. My car is the only one here. His motorcycle isn't...

"Where's your bike?"

"It wasn't starting today." He says with a shrug, "I walked to school."

I didn't know which was more astonishing. The fact that he walked to school or the way he'd said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You walked??" My voice was like a squeak. Miffed dolphin noises were a go. "Are you being serious?"

He nods.

"Oh my..." I put my hand up, "Okay." I pull out my phone from my pocket, double tapping on the screen. It's nearly four.

"I hope you're calling someone."

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