9. The Love Of Penguins

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Xerxes roars so loud that it makes me jump. Heart pounding in my chest, I stumble back—straight into someone's arms.

"Whoa, easy."

My eyes wide as saucers on hearing the voice, I turn my head around. Standing with his arms around me and a bemused expression on his face is Ren. I blink once, twice and thrice, certain that my eyes are playing some trick on me. But it isn't a trick because I can still see him. Relief surges through my veins and I silently thank God.

"You're okay." I say with a laugh, not getting why that fills me with joy.

"Of course," He says, amused.

There's a strand of hair stuck to my cheek. He reaches up with his hand and wipes it away. As soon as his fingers touch my skin, his eyes lock with mine and I stop laughing. He continues to stare at me; the gaze is so intent it makes my cheeks heat. Maybe it's the fact that I'm delirious with relief but I feel safe in his arms. It's like all my worries just vanished. We look into each other's eyes until Xerxes roars again. His stance tells me he'd pounce on Ren if the cage bars weren't interfering.

I break our stare and clear my throat, "Uh, so where were you?" I ask. The moment was seriously intense, slightly awkward and I was half grateful to the third wheel for interrupting it.

Ren laughs, "What do you mean?"

"You weren't replying to my texts, and you weren't at school today...?" I inhale, there's that scent of bergamot again. I'm starting to love its scent as much as Spanish accents.

"About that, I had an accident." He says matter of fact. I'm not sure which is more worrying, the fact that he got in an accident or that he's saying it as if it's really obvious and okay.

"Accident?" I repeat, concerned suddenly. "How? When? Are you hurt? Is every—and why are you looking at me like that?" I add, because he's gazing at me with that intent look again, as if trying to figure me out.

"Caring much?" He muses. I look down, wondering if I just made a fool of myself. If he didn't think I was a creep before, he's probably thinking that now.

"Well, you are okay right?" I ask nervously.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It wasn't major." He replies.

"That's good." More than that.

"Want to look around, see the animals?"

He looks interested at that, "Sure. I've never been to a zoo before." He confesses, rubbing the back of his neck as we begin walking.

"What?" He took me by surprise there.

"Yeah, after..." He pauses, and then shakes his head, "We never had the time I guess."

Even though I'm itching to know what he was about to say 'after', I know now's not the time and it's not my business either. Whatever it is, it must've bothered him deeply. He's not smiling anymore.

"Well, consider me your guide then." I say, trying to lighten up the environment. It works, there's a small smile on his face.

I love the zoo. I always have, since I was a little kid. The animals here are really friendly, especially the seals and the polar bears. Polar bears are my favorite animals. Here, there's this one polar bear and all he does all day is the backstroke. Some animal psychologist thought a year back that he's really stressed. I sort of agreed with him, I mean come on; it must suck to have people looking at you all day. But then they bought him some toys and he enjoyed them. He just kicks back in his enclosure and watches you watching him. Sometimes he holds a beach ball while he does it. I love that bear.

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