17. Lies

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Some juniors crowd around my car as I pull in the parking lot. I slam my foot on the brake as the car jerks to a stop because of those waving fools. Rolling my eyes, I put my head out the window and yell, "Get to the side or I'll crush you!" they don't move so I add, "This is a threat!"

That works like a charm. They jump to the side and I park the car instantly. However, the moment I get out, they form a swarm again. The boy in the front pulls out his phone, "So, Gina, I see that's a new lip shade." He says, "It suits you though, like everything else."

"I know it does." I say, pulling out my compact. Yep, it's perfect. I'll have to apply another layer though, just in case. "Now, get out of the way."

He shakes his head and out of nowhere, he's holding out a box to me. His friends watch excitedly, motioning wildly for me to take it.

"Uh, thanks?" I take the bright pink box reluctantly and open the lid, arching an eyebrow. There are five chocolate donuts inside; four of them spelling my name and one having a heart on it.

The boy clears his throat and smiles hopefully, "Please donut say no." he says solemnly, "Homecoming?"

I look down at the donuts, then back at him. "I'll go with my friends." I admit, watching the hope leave his face.

"What? Like the last three years?" he says in disbelief, "No date?"

I shake my head, closing the box and hold it out to him. "Sorry."

He nods, "I understand." He says, genuine. "Keep the donuts though, they're filled with chocolate cream just as you like."

Before I can protest, he pushes the box back in my arms. "Hope you find someone else though." I say.

"Yeah." He steps back, "No problem, there's prom too."

I shake my head as he goes towards the field. Who's going to tell him that I won't have a date for prom either? Or, I smile to myself. Maybe I will. What if Ren asks me out for homecoming too? No, he just sees me as a friend. But friends can go to homecoming together right? A girl can hope.

As I climb the stairs to the entrance, a figure leaps out from behind the rose bushes. Startled, I stumble back and grab the railing to prevent myself from falling back. As I'm straightening up, Jared dusts himself off, "Morning, m'lady."

"The heck, Jared?" I hiss, "I almost fell." And if that would have happened, he would be dead the very next day.

"No worries, I would've caught you."

"The hell you would have," I mutter as I check the donuts to ensure they didn't squish against each other, "What were you doing there anyway?" I ask as he takes a thorn from his hair.

"Waiting to surprise you, duh." He says, then grins. "Gina Rosen, will you do the honors and be my date to homecoming?" he produces a rose from his pocket and holds it between his teeth.

"No thank you." I push him to the side and hurriedly go in the school.

"Oh come on!" he yells from behind, causing several students to stare at him from the windows.

"I don't even like roses!" I yell back, hoping that would shut him up. Posters and banners for homecoming have been put up everywhere; bulletin boards, students' lockers, walls and windows too. Students are asking each other to accompany them to homecoming. Young love, I think as I spin the dial on my locker.

The moment it opens, dozens of chocolates fall out from inside at my feet. Eyes widening, I step back abruptly, watching the waterfall of various chocolates. What the hell?

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