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Granger is one of the kinds of people that I still don't understand. Why help five mostly grown men get off of the streets? The place where they grew up and work in?

I don't understand what I ever did to get rescued by someone as kind and humble. Or just stupid and careless.

Is this a prank? Are we being watched? What made him care so much about Remy and Fenry? What made him care about Toronto or Dubai? What made him care so much about me?

Why was he trying so hard to help us? To protect us?

As much as I hate them, I'm glad that Fenry and Dubai and Remy are off the streets.

Especially Fenry. He's still the youngest and honestly, more annoying, of us. We were all treated like shit but it was clear as day that Fenry and Remy took it the hardest.

They just aren't strong enough to keep living on the streets.

The proof was in the time when Fenry fell in love with some conceited asshole who did nothing but abuse the two for a couple of years until they could finally escape him.

It didn't make any sense.

What made someone want to proudly open up their home to give a bunch of filthy strangers you knew nothing about a home? And not just any strangers. But five males who were all raised as prostitutes?

What if we were dangerous? What if we were trapping men?

Such a stupidly bold action could get someone killed, whether he was a rich bastard or not.

And his mother, jeez. What was wrong with the woman?

I can't bring myself to be grateful.

It feels better to be off the streets.

But I want to go back. It was the only place that I've ever felt as though I was at home. The only place that I knew. Prostituting was the only thing that I knew. The only thing that I could ever amount to.

Maybe I should try to be okay with this. But it was hard. I don't trust Granger as the other boys do.

I don't trust the way he looks at Fenry or the way that he and Remy are developing a bond.

Remy could never really love him. It was just submission to the fact that Granger did, in fact, rescue us from a hellish lifestyle that no one should have to live.

But at least then, we were alone.



I was afraid. Not of Granger but of the fact that he claimed to like me. It made me nervous. It sent butterflies to my tummy. Would he want me to have sex with him? I wouldn't mind it if he did, it was just the fact that I came from a life of prostitution. That my mouth and body were only clean from diseases, not the touch of the possibly hundreds of men and women who used and abused our bodies for their sick and twisted needs and desires.

That was always a factor that had scared me. and not only for my own sake, but for Fenry's as well. I was fearful for him when he got a boyfriend. And a part of me always knew deep down that their relationship would go up in flames one day. How soon? that was something that I wasn't so certain about.

Maybe Granger was being genuine in his newfound feelings for me. maybe things would finally be okay. But I wasn't just going to put all of my trust into him yet. Or at least, none more than I already did. I would let him prove himself to me. Prove that he was serious about this and about taking care of Fenry and helping the other guys because this was more of a responsibility that he was taking on. Especially with Fenry. What kind of 19 year old guy just willingly takes in 5 grown and practically homeless men?

All I hoped for was that Granger's intentions were true and that he was really willing to tend to all of Fenry's needs.

As much as a broken heart hurts, seeing Fenry get hurt again would feel much worse.

"Remyyyyy!" Fenry sang as he skipped down the stairs to me.

"Yes, Fen?" He smiled geekily down at me and grabbed my hands, entwining our fingers together and wiggling his hips restlessly.

"I have a secret! But you can't tell anyone, they will get madddd." He was jittering and I noticed his flushed cheeks and wide eyes.

He dragged me into the empty livingroom and looked around quickly before looking into my eyes and speaking quietly.

"Caylen wants to have sex with meee." He whispered by my ear and when he pulled away, he was blushing and tugging his lip between his teeth.

I tilted my head at him and blinked twice.

"Oh?" He frowned at my response and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Why'd you say that?" His eyes narrowed a little as he looked at me.

"Nothing, Fen. I just don't know what to say." He chewed his lip harder and sighed, looking away from me. "I thought he hated you?"

Fenry shrugged and looked at me, scooting closer on the couch. "I thought he did too... that's why I told you. I would like to but I don't want to have sex with him if he's just gonna keep being a meanie to me."

I nodded in agreement and fell back against the rest.

We looked up as Granger came down the stairs and Fenry asked a question that made me drop my jaw.

"Have you had sex with Granger?" He asked the question excessively loud and my eyes widened in shock. He made a faux innocent expression and pouted and my face filled up with heat.

"Fe-Fenry!" Granger walked by us with a subtle smirk on his face and I covered my face with my hands.

"Not yet," came the snarky response from Granger's mouth and I threw myself back against the couch, just about dying of embarrassment.



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