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"Thanks Fen," I muttered sarcastically as I lay on my back on the couch.

Fenry giggled beside me and lay on top of me, but he was light and small so I didn't mind so much.

We rested on the couch like that for a long time and inevitably fell asleep after a good half hour.

I awoke to Fenry getting dragged away by the hand as Caylen angrily led him up the steps.

With a long yawn and a stretch, I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin as Granger stood there in sweats and a sweater.

"Did you sleep well?" I sat up quickly and nodded at his question and he gave me a fond smile. "I just wanted to know if you were hungry, you've been asleep for a while."

As I opened my mouth to object to him, my stomach decided to in my stead with a loud rumble. Granger chuckled and I felt my cheeks flush as he held his hand out to me. "Come on then."

"O-okay." I followed behind him towards the kitchen with my hand still in his.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me as I sat down in a chair and he rifled through the cabinets and refrigerator for something.

"Anything's fine." I told him dismissively and with that, he made sandwiches and we had cookies as a snack alongside.

We made mostly small talk as we sat in the kitchen by ourselves and ate. He briefly mentioned Caylen and Fenry sneaking off to do each other and I just talked about a couple of books I wanted.

After we ate, he had me follow him upstairs, past the somewhat quiet moans obviously emitted by none other than Fen, and into Granger's bedroom.

He had me make a whole little shopping list of new books and things to have put into the library for our entertainment and we talked about games.

I let him know he would have to ask the other boys about games because I personally wasn't that interested and wasn't sure exactly where they stood with video games and consoles.

The day passed by and night fell sooner than it felt it should have.

It was calm. Fenry was passed out in Caylen's bed, Toronto was asleep all day and Dubai was chasing a vigorous pleasuring session between himself and a friend.

And then there was me, laying on Granger's chest, in his bed with our legs tangled. One of his hands was resting behind his head while the other ran through my hair. I lay there quietly, listening to his heartbeat and trying to match my breathing with his.

Despite being settled and everything, I wasn't quite like the other guys. I could survive a few days or weeks up to maybe a few months without sex. They were always going at it. Not used to not having sex. It was our life since we were young boys. Though sex was something that I enjoyed, it was only if I was in the mood. Maybe that mood would be tomorrow or next week. Granger told me all I ever had to do was just say the words and he would bed me the next moment.

But I could lay here on Granger's body. Nothing sexual about the way he caressed my skin and held me. He remained soft underneath me and we remained quiet, waiting for the pull of sleep to drag us in.


When I next woke up, it was to something poking me in my back and a heavy arm slung over my waist.

I turned my head as much as I could, trying not to wake Granger, and I watched him for a few moments as he continued to peacefully sleep. His features were very soft and relaxed and his full lips were slightly parted, soft exhales leaving them.

I smiled a little and tried to squirm out of his arms. I really had to go to the bathroom but his grip was strong for someone who was asleep.

I tried to move but he just kept pulling me back into his arms making me whine and wiggle. "Granger!" I huffed and he finally woke up, blinking at me and grumbling about me moving too much.

"I have to pee, let me go!" He huffed and released me, making me run into the bathroom while he just turned over and went back to sleep.

I did my business and washed my hands before walking back out.

Granger was laying on his stomach, his head rested on his folded arms and his eyes were open as he just blinked.

I skipped over to the bed and hopped on it, crawling over to him and straddling his back.

I lay on him and he smiled, twisting his head to the side to meet my gaze. "Good morning." Was all he said and I shivered at the roughness of his sexy morning voice and we rested there for a long while.

"Did your boner go away?" I asked him as I poked his cheek and he chuckled, shaking his head with a yawn.

"No, but you can make it go away." His eyes glinted mischievously as he somehow got me off of his back and pinned beneath him.

I giggled and turned onto my stomach, trying to crawl away but he just pulled me back until our hips met and his erection was pressed against my rear. I bit my lip to prevent any embarrassing noises from escaping my mouth.

"Someone's in a mood." I pointed out breathlessly with a small smile.

His sweats were thin and my ass was exposed to him. I wore nothing but panties and one of his t-shirts to bed.

A shirt he took no time in removing as he grinned and started trailing kisses down my back. "And you aren't?"

My only answer was his name breathlessly falling from my lips when he suddenly tugged my panties down to my ankles.


☕︎Vacancy☕︎ ~Reupload~Where stories live. Discover now