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"Ow! Don't bite me like that..." the voice was gruff, clearly scratchy and deeper from just waking up.

I softly sighed as I stood in the doorway of Granger's room, watching the taller man tower over my shorter friend who giggled and tried to keep his mouth away from his skin.

"I'm hungry though," Granger whined in protest, stealing playful nips at Remy's arms.

"No! Let me goooo!" Remy squealed as large fingers pressed into his sides, causing him to whine and squirm on the bed, fingers reaching for hands he couldn't seem to catch.

I stood up and turned around, starting to make my way towards the stairs when a gentle tug on my sweater makes me stop in my tracks. I whip my head around to find myself face to face with Dubai, a lovely caramel skinned beauty who looked just as deliciously sweet and foreign as his name. If he wasn't such a bitch, that is...

He didn't say anything when our eyes finally locked, just grabbed my hand and turned away, practically dragging me towards his room. I pouted and shook my head, "looks like I won't be having breakfast anytime soon..."

Dubai just threw a look over his shoulder at me that clearly told me to shut up, making me audibly snap my mouth closed. These bitches... just 'cause they're all older me. I huffed in slight annoyance as the door was shut behind the two of us before Dubai shuffled over to his bed, sitting down criss-crossed by his pillows.

"I don't wanna sit on your bed, you bring him in here," I mumbled under my breath as I played with my fingers by the foot of his bed.

I didn't really think he heard me until he suddenly got up and pulled me on the bed himself, making me sigh. "Fine, what do you want from me?" I pout and he wordlessly looks me up and down.

"You and Caylen did the thing." he boldly started and it clearly wasn't a question so I assumed it wouldn't be safe to try and deny. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on top of them.

"Yeah, so what.."

Dubai's eyes roamed over me once more before he cleared his throat, "I'm just wondering how this came about.."

He trailed off as he spoke, leaning back against the wooden headboard as his eyes watched me, an eyebrow raised to showcase his curiosity of the topic at hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms, "well you can stop worrying, thanks." I flashed him a fake smile.

He shook his head and seemed to exhale deeply before repeating himself.

I scoffed and slid off of his bed, shifting my weight to one foot as I held out a hand. I was not about to be interrogated first thing in the morning about who I slept with, especially when it was none of his business. I side-eyed Dubai for a moment before turning my head away, tilting my chin up.

"Do not question me. If that's all you wanted to talk about, then I'm leaving to go eat," I grumbled as I stood up from the bed, ready to make my grand escape.

"I'm just surprised that he didn't reject you again," Dubai smirked as he watched for my reaction.

I rolled my eyes again, feeling myself tense up at his mention of rejection. "I told you bitches that one day, he'd pull his head out of ass."

I walked back over to the door, not very interested in staying for any further conversation.

I pulled the door open and stepped into the hallway right as Dubai spoke up behind me, "and into your ass, right?"

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I just looked back over my shoulder as I grabbed the knob, sending the brunette a wink before I shut his door and hurried down to the kitchen.

Why the hell does he care so much anyways...


Dubai watched his shut bedroom door after Fenry had left, clenching his fists tightly at his sides as he let out a frustrated sigh.

There was just something about that blonde kid that always pissed him off. And he couldn't fathom why Caylen was so in love with him. Dubai had always thought of himself as fairly mature, he thought he was beautiful and alluring. It was so easy for him to be more choosy about his clientele because people would get competitive with their prices and times.

He knew he was attractive. So why wasn't Caylen as interested in him? Dubai knew how to use his hands and mouth in sinful ways, his mannerisms were captivating to some. And he'd been sleeping with Caylen for far longer than Fenry.

So just why was the boy Caylen's subject of affection? When Dubai would hardly get more than a glance or shrug in his direction, yet Caylen would fawn all over Fenry, if even from a distance.

Sure, Dubai could always go to Toronto if he wanted to sleep with someone, but it just wasn't the same. Fucking and making love weren't the same and he couldn't make love with someone who he didn't harbor those feelings for...

He growled to himself and got up from his bed, going to lock his door so he could find a way to channel out all this frustration.

Author's Note: Hello peoples, I can not remember exactly the last time I posted any updates for this book. I apologize for the chapter being so short, I truly do. But I was stuck on this for the longest of times. Ive been feeling quite inspired lately and decided to try my hand again at writing. I just went through and reread all of the chapters, making minor edits along the way. I plan to finish this book before I actually go back and rewrite it, flesh out details, add scenes, whatever I can muster for this. Thank you to anyone who is still here years later to read.

I'm not gonna promise anything.... But you can hopefully expect another new chapter soon, and I hope to make it longer than the previous chapters. We'll see how it all works out! ❤️ ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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