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Hi. Smut. Rated. R. Just oral mainly. Not actual intercourse. Very short scene before time skip.


Waking up with my hard on pressed into Remy's back was not originally the plan. Neither were any of the other events that seemingly followed.

Like now, watching said boy place open-mouthed kisses down my chest.

He was completely naked before and I grabbed his hips, shifting him so that he was now straddling my face.

"Wait. Granger, what are you--" he cut himself off with a gasp as I circled my tongue around a specific rim of muscles, practically begging to be used.

His hands braced himself on my thighs and I held onto his hips as I continued my assault, taking the time to tease him with gentle prodding and licking. He shivered as he went down on me finally, making me release a groan as he took my tip into his mouth and sucked on it, his tongue circling and teasing back.

I resisted the strong urge to thrust into his mouth as he tested how much of me he could fit into his mouth. I slowly eased a finger inside of him and he tensed up, taking a few seconds to ease up again and I took my time, twisting and turning my finger as I thrust it inside of him, curling it before pulling it back out.

He let my cock fall out of his mouth as he moaned and panted, instead switching between licking and stroking my shaft.

We went on like this, with Remy taking my cock into his mouth occasionally and me adding more fingers after stretching him out. I took my time making him feel good and stroking him until completion.


I'd never seen anyone look better with sweat beading down their flushed skin as I cleaned him up with a warm washcloth.

Remy had quickly fallen asleep after our vigorous activities and left his mess all over his stomach.

I stripped the sheets from beneath him and threw them into the hamper by my door. I slid a clean pair of panties onto him and another of my shirts, making sure that he was covered and I put a blanket over him before I got dressed myself and left the room.

I sighed as the smell of breakfast wafted into my nose, noticing the boys all sitting around in the kitchen.

Fenry was sleepily leaning against Caylen and half-asleep as he ate his food.

Caylen had a disgruntled expression on his face as he rolled his eyes at the conversation going on between Toronto and Dubai.

They were, of course, talking about sex and Dubai was just explaining to the other dark-haired male about a new technique his friend learned with self-pleasure.

"Morning," I gave everyone a relaxed smile as I watched my plate get placed on the table. My chair was pulled out for me and I sat in it, waiting for a fork and a knife.

Other than the sound of silverware clattering on glass plates, Dubai and Toronto continued their conversation and Caylen spent his time continuously having to wake Fenry up so he could eat, something the younger boy notably wasn't very fond of.

One thing I observed was the fact that both Remy and Fenry were still very childish. In their own ways. Fenry was a lot more immature in his overall development, it seemed where as Remy was more immature in his reactions and behavior. It wasn't too concerning at all. Just something that I was told to keep an eye on and it was the reason why both boys would continue to stay so close to me.

One by one, everyone left the table and I left as I finished, requesting that Remy's food be saved until later on when he was awake.

I travelled back up the stairs and into my bedroom, closing the door and laying next to Remy who immediately curled up into my side.

I called someone up to do my laundry and wrapped Remy up further, wrapping my arms around him after and I fell back asleep.


The next time I woke up, I was all cleaned up and dressed in another pair of my panties and one of Granger's shirts.

Granger was sat up scrolling through emails online. I put my head on his stomach and he placed his hand on my head as he continued to read through them. Some of them were business proposals, others were from his father and some of his father's coworkers and colleagues.

He ignored most of them sent to him and separated them into important and what went into the trash to be deleted later on.

He had to type back a lot of responses and send out emails to more people as requested by his father.

I turned my head and looked up into his face, watching him bite his lips as he typed out something.

I smiled and buried my face into his shirt, contently taking in his scent and memorizing it.

"Did you sleep well?" His eyes flickered down to me, watching as my cheeks heated up a bit and I nodded as I turned my face again, hiding it.

He chuckled and thread his fingers into my hair again, soothing me back to sleep.

I woke up when something heavy was set onto the bed and I sat up to find a tray full of food. There were strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, two pancakes, three pieces of sausage, and a plate beside it with two slices of buttered toast. There was a serving cup full of syrup, another with more melted butter and a large glass of cold orange juice.

I smiled as I eyed Granger who poured the butter and syrup over my pancakes for me before cutting them up and I pushed the blanket off to get comfortable.

Granger sat beside me and left tingling kisses underneath my ear, making me giggle while I started eating.

"Shower with me and get dressed when you're done, I'm taking you, Fenry, and Caylen out today."

He whispered right before nipping my neck and smirking as he pulled away.

I nodded as I practically stuffed my face full of yummy food, having Granger finish the other half because it was far too much for me to finish alone.

When finished, Granger undressed me and we got into the large shower together. He was happy I let him wash me as we scrubbed ourselves and each other clean, maybe even a handjob and a hot makeout session before we exited.

Granger got dressed in a plain black tshirt and some ripped jeans, throwing on a pair of black high top Vans and gelling up his usual quiff.

I was dressed in a long maroon sweater that barely brushed the middle of my thighs and high waisted jean shorts with lace trimming that barely covered my bottom. I put on a pair of ankle cut maroon converse and Granger brushed my hair out before adding mousse and a light coat of hairspray, making it curl right back up and fall just past my shoulders.

He took my hand and we left his room, everyone else all ready downstairs while the driver stood stoically at the garage door, silently waiting for us to leave.

Granger grabbed a set of keys and after telling his staff that we would be away, we set off into a large fancy Red van.


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