Chapter Three

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Kaeya ran away as fast as he could. He felt guilty for leaving Albedo alone like that, but he couldn't look at him in the eyes right after what he just did. His thoughts were way too messy for him to understand what was going on.

"Why did I do that ? I didn't ask for consent first, I'm a bad person ! And he probably already has someone, a girl, he's definitely straight ! And me too... I think ? Anyways, why did I accept this dumb bet with this dumb ginger ?"

He went to the cafeteria to get something to eat and stayed here until the end of the break. He got back in class as the teacher was closing the door, then went to his desk silently, not glancing even at little bit at Albedo.


On his side, Albedo was confused. Very confused. Mainly by Kaeya's actions, he still wanted to convince himself that what he did was just part of his flirting personality, that he wasn't serious, but at the same time, when he had looked at Kaeya in the eyes, his dark blue pupils looked so sincere that he couldn't believe it was fake.

But he also couldn't understand how could a man like Kaeya have taken interest in someone like Albedo.

"I'm younger, shorter, not really interesting, I don't talk to people, my looks aren't anything special, I'm not friendly... He is the complete opposite ! I can't hope he likes me back, he is definitely straight anyways..."

It hurted him to think like that, but he prefered this than useless hope. 

But what confused him a lot too was his own reaction. He could have slapped Kaeya for exceeding his personal limits, he could have shouted at him and ordered him to never do that again, or he could have played along and... 

"No ! I should stop thinking about this right know and come back in class !"

As he did so, he turned his face to the window, to not be tempted to look at the door, waiting for Kaeya to arrive. When he heard him excusing himself for being late, he flinched a bit but didn't turn over anyways.

Albedo's opinion was divided : he wanted to be close to Kaeya more than ever, but was too scared of his reaction to do so. He risked a little peek in Kaeya's direction and blushed immediately when he saw the taller staring at him. Kaeya blushed too and both of them turned away, refusing to look at the other for the rest of the classes.


When the afternoon classes finished, Childe went, as always, to the teacher's desk to chat with him. He noticed the awkward situation between his friend and the young blonde, but only made a winning sign at Kaeya, who responded with a not really polite sign of his hand before he left.

Childe giggled a little before turning back to his dear Mr Zhongli, who was staring at him, the same smile as usual on his lips. Both of them knew that this smile meant a lot of things.

"First, he knows what I'm trying to do, and he knows that I know about it. Second, he knows about my feelings and how he feels about me but will not tell me like that. Third, If we wanted to start a relationship right now, it would be impossible, which gives him one more reason to make me wait. Conclusion, I need to make him change this smile before Kaeya gets with his little blonde, and given the situation, I need to be quick !"

After all this thinking, Childe decided to start an attack plan. And for flirting, he was one of the best in this school, so he could be able to get something even with a man as perfect as Zhongli was in his eyes.

"- Say, Mr Zhongli," began Childe, leaning a little onto the teacher's desk, "it's so hot today, don't you think ?

- We are in april, Childe. It's not that hot for this season, you know.

- Oh, well if you aren't hot, that's a shame, I prepared this morning a strawberry milk-shake especially for you... But if you don't want it, I'll drink it I suppose..."

As he said the last sentence, Childe got the milk-shake's straw to his lips and was about to drink before the older took the cup from his hand and began to drink the beverage.

"- Thank you Childe, this is a very kind attention from you."

Even if he was drinking, the ginger could see Zhongli's smile in his attractive golden eyes. And the younger's face suddenly became very red when he realised something.

"Was that- an indirect kiss ? Did he just do that ? That's not fair, I'm trying to flirt with him but I am the one being flirted with !"

Childe buried his face in his hands, and as Zhongli noticed it, he stopped drinking, and asked, perfectly knowing the answer already, a smirk on his face :

"- What's wrong, Childe ? I enjoy the milk-shake very much, if that is what you are worried about...

- Please don't make fun of me, Mr Zhongli ! I embarrassed myself again..."

And as Zhongli slightly giggled, Childe blushed even more and complained again. Their interactions always finished like that.


Hey, author here ! So I included a little of Chili/Zhongchi in this book, I hope I doesn't bother you, but I really like their dynamic together ^^. If you don''t like this ship too much, don't worry, I won't include that much scenes about them, it's just to make the world around Kaeya and Albedo live up a little :). I hope you enjoy the book so far, see you very soon in the next chapter !

Word count : 960 words

Publishing date : May 7th 2022

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