Chapter Thirteen

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Hi there ! Let's get back to Kaebedo in this chapter ! To put you in the context, this chapter is happening at the same time as chapter 12 but in the others' perspective (Kaeya, Albedo, Thoma, Ayato, Itto, Sara, Diluc, Jean) ! Enjoy ❤️

And thank you so much for the 2K (actually almost 3K) reads already that's insane you're the best 😭 !!!!


"- Alright, here we are !"

The friend's group just arrived at the beach. The sun was shining in the blue sky, the water was sparkling under the light and the golden sand seemed to just ask them to walk on it.

"- Yaaaay ! Let's goo !

- Calm down you big idiot !"

Itto and Sara began bickering as always, but Itto ended up offering a race to the water and Sara accepted the challenge, so they ended up running away.

"- U-um, Diluc, do you want to go and eat some ice cream ? I saw a vendor near here !

- O-oh, um, sure, let's go..."

Diluc left with Jean, both of them having red cheeks. Kaeya winked at his brother who changed his face for a second to give him a death stare before getting his blissful face back.

"- Ah, young love..." sighed Ayato, smiling softly.

"- You sound like an old man when you say that !" laughed Kaeya.

"- Hey, that's not true ! I am a perfectly accurate young man ! Right, Thoma ?

- Well... Kaeya isn't wrong, though...

- Thoma ! Come here ! You won't get away that easily !"

Ayato caught his boyfriend who was trying to run away and got him over his shoulder, holding him like a potato sack. He then ran off to the sea, ignoring Thoma's excuses and cries in hope that he would put him down.

Kaeya sighed then smiled at the scene. Then he turned around to look at Albedo who didn't say a word since they arrived, probably too shy to intervene.

"- Well then... We're all alone, aren't we ?

- I... I guess so..."

Albedo was a little embarrassed to be alone with Kaeya but still in the middle of other unknown people since there were quite a lot of people at the beach because of the nice weather. But the blonde changed his mood when he saw Kaeya pout a little.

"- Aww, come on Albedo, don't be shy like this ! Nobody will judge us here, they don't even know us !

- B-but, we never know, what if we meet someone we kno-"

Kaeya interrupted him with a kiss on the forehead, as he hugged him tight.

"- Stop worrying and just enjoy this date ! I am happy to be with you so please try to show me if you're happy too !"

The blue-haired boy was now smiling softly at his boyfriend, who blushed a little.

"- Of course, I am very happy to be with you here ! Since you asked me, I will try to stop worrying about the rest. I just want to enjoy being here with you.

Albedo smiled softly too, making his boyfriend melt a little inside.

"- Thanks, little Blondie ! Then, let's find a place to sit down !"

The blonde agreed and they found a place on the sand, near the sea and with not too much people, to put down their beach towels.

Kaeya was feeling a little hot from walking under the sun so he removed his shirt, exposing his chest and abs.

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