Chapter Six

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Childe was smiling at his deskmate, as he was sighing and looking in a certain blonde direction. The day before, Kaeya had come back in their flat quite late and his face all red. Now, he didn't seem to be able to take his eyes off Albedo. Of course, Chide asked him what happened, but the blue-haired was so muddled that he wasn't able to tell him precisely.

But the ginger understood something happened and made their relationship evolve. Even if Kaeya didn't seem motivated by their bet anymore, he could still win. Childe also used the bet as a pretext to flirt with Zhongli, but he didn't want to lose anyways.

As the end of the class was announced, Kaeya came to Albedo's desk to chat with him while the blonde cleaned his desk, waiting for him so that they could walk home together.

Childe then decided to move, and went to his teacher's desk, who was tidying up his things.

"- Hey, Mr Zhongli~ wanna hang out with me today ?

- Sure, why not ?"

Childe expected his teacher to decline and tell him it was inappropriate, but it seemed he didn't know him well enough.

"- Really ?" he asked, his eyes sparkling. "Then, let's go eat some ice cream at the park ! There shouldn't be too many people at this time of the day !"

Zhongli agreed and followed him outside of the classroom. Childe winked at a surprised Kaeya before leaving.


"- So, Mr Zhongli, what flavour would you like ? I'll pay, of course~

- Well then, I'll take pistachio please.

- Alrighty ! One pistachio and one raspberry please !"

Both men sat at a table, almost alone in the park, eating their ice creams. Zhongli began to ramble about something, Childe didn't really listen since he was too busy gazing closely at the  man's attributes. 

His silky dark hair, his perfect face, his golden eyes looking like they were reading him like an open book, his slender fingers holding his ice-cream cone, and-

"- Childe ? You are not listening to me, are you ?"

The ginger snapped out of his thoughts, his face flushing as he displayed a guilty look on his face. But he soon got a grip on himself and smirked at the older man.

"- I'm sorry... I was just lost in admiration for your person, it's so easy after all~ "

Childe could swear he just saw Mr Zhongli's cheeks redden a little, but the man swiflty answered.

"- Is that so ? Or are you just mindlessly flirting with me, Ajax ?" 

The younger blushed even more when he heard his real name in his crush's mouth.

"- How did you-

- I am your teacher, remember ? I know way more about you than you can think of, dear~ "

Zhongli smirked at the ginger as he licked his ice-cream, without taking his eyes off his student, while Childe was blushing way too much for his own sanity.

"He got me once again, I can't win at this flirting game against him..."


Kaeya was walking alone in the streets, going back to his flat. He had just walked home Albedo, who thanked him with his oh-so-sweet smile which got his heart everytime he saw it, always directed at him.

"I like him. I like him. I like him- No, I love him ! How couldn't I ? How couldn't anyone ? He hasn't told me anything about what happened when I came to his house, but when it happened, he looked so sincere... I hope this means something..."

He blushed as he had just admitted the feelings he secretly had for a long time. Now he needed to know if the love he felt was mutual, but he couldn't think of any way to confess to the perfect boy he fell for.

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