Chapter Fourteen

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Hi ! I'm really, really sorry for the delay of this chapter, I'm currently in the middle of some exams so it's hard to find the time and motivation to write... As an apology, this chapter a very long one (2500+ words), I hope you will enjoy it !


Childe woke up to the light of the sun on his face. He blinked a little before looking around, trying to remember where he was.

As he looked to his right, he let his gaze fall on a handsome sleeping face next to him. At the sight of Zhongli's face and bare torso, he remembered what happened the night before.

After Zhongli managed to make him stay, they went to "sleep" and got a little turned on from all the sexual tension they had been holding for a long time. But they decided that it would be a little too much to sleep together that early in their relationship, and moreover the night before a school day.

So they ended up just sleeping in the same bed, half naked, giving the heat as a pretext.

As he remembered all that, Childe smiled and looked closer at his new boyfriend's peaceful face.

"He's so pretty when he is sleeping ! The only sad thing is that I can't see his beautiful eyes..."

The ginger boy decided to wake up the taller man, and he already had an idea of how to do it.

He climbed on top of Zhongli, and got his face closer to put his lips on top of the other's, caressing his cheek at the same time.

For Childe's pleasure, Zhongli slowly opened his golden eyes and lazily smiled as he looked at the ginger boy.

"- My, my... What a pretty view to wake up on... Nothing's better than a half-naked ginger boy on top of you, don't you think, Ajax ?

- Hmm... I think that a muscular golden eyed man could really compete, Mr Zhongli~ !

- Is that so..."

The two men gazed at each other for some more time before sadly deciding to move since they had to get ready for school.


They left Zhongli's house and got in his car. As the taller man was driving, Childe coughed a little before speaking :

"- Um, Mr Zhongli, wouldn't it be quite suspicious if we enter the school together ?"

The older man sighed and turned his head to look at Childe as he stopped at a red light. He stared into the ginger's ocean eyes, captivating the younger boy.

"- For the last time, listen to me Ajax. I couldn't care less about people discovering that we have a special relationship. You will graduate in a few months, and when that will happen, we will be free to live our love however we want. For now, of course, I wouldn't want to lose my job so we will have to not explicitly say it, but I won't mind at all if people start to get suspicious about our relationship. After all, it would be the greatest joy for me if people could learn who do you belong to..."

Zhongli said the last sentence with a smile, which made Childe's cheeks heat up. The taller man then got his gaze back on the road since the light just turned green.

The younger boy tried to get rid of his embarrassment before speaking up.

"- I'm sorry if I didn't see the situation like that, Mr Zhongli... After all, it's your own business since we're talking about your job and reputation...

- You have nothing to feel bad about Ajax. You feel worried for me, and I can only be grateful for that."

Zhongli soflty smiled at Childe and the ginger boy returned it. Both of their minds were now at peace.

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