Chapter Four

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As he was leaving the school, Kaeya noticed Albedo going in the same direction as him. The tanned young man already couldn't stand being in seemingly bad terms with the blonde, so he pondered a little.

"Alright... So, what I did was a little bit too much... I should definitely not work like that. I'm afraid Childe will win, but I'll begin more slowly... Let's be friends first !"

As he decided so, he went over to the blonde and put his hand on his shoulder. The shorter got startled and jumped a bit, before he turned over and showed a surprised look on his face as he saw Kaeya.

"- Hey Albedo... I wanted to say... Um, I'm sorry for what I did during the lunch break, I- err... I wasn't in my right mind, yeah... Could you please forgive me ?"

He looked at the younger boy with pleading eyes, and Albedo thought :

"How could I say no to that face...?"

"- Um, don't worry, it's okay, I'm not mad at you..."

Kaeya's navy blue eyes sparkled at his answer, before he asked another question :

"- Thank you very much ! So, uh, do you want me to accompany you to your home ? That's what friends do right ?"

"Friends... Is that what we are now ? Well, I'm fine with it."

"- Sure, if you want, but I need to pick up my little sister from school first. You can tag along if you want to.

- Of course ! I didn't know you have a little sister !"

"I don't know a lot of things about you actually..."

"- Well, let's go, I'm sure you will quickly get acquainted with her anyways...


As they arrived at the elementary school, a little voice shouted :

"- Big Brother Albedo !"

A little girl with a red dress and blonde pigtails jumped in Albedo's arms, a big smile on her face.

"- Hello, Klee ! How was your day ?

- It was nice, even if I got punished for trying to blow up the goldfish in the class's aquarium...

- Klee, what did we say about that ? No blasting at school !

- I'm sorry, Big Brother, I won't do it again... Who is this mister next to you ?"

The young girl tried to change the subject. Usually it didn't really work with Albedo, but as she mentionned the taller boy, her brother suddenly blushed and forgot to rebuke her.

"- This is Kaeya, he is, uh, my- my friend ! Be nice to him please, he offered to walk us home today.

- Your friend...? You never had any, Big Brother, that's new !"

Albedo blushed at his sister's honesty, and then looked at Kaeya's surprised face, before trying to get out of this awkward situation.

"- I- uh... I don't talk that much to people, and they rarely come near me so, I'm so-

- Why are you apologizing ? Don't worry about it, I won't judge you ! And I'll be honoured to become your first friend !"

The young blonde looked at Kaeya's sparkling eyes as he declared this, and almost felt like crying.

"- Thank you... You have no idea how much this means to me... I am truly grateful.

- You're welcome !" A big smile appeared on Kaeya's face as he looked at Albedo.

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