Chapter Eleven

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Albedo pulled away as he heard the school's bell ring. He still kept his hands around Kaeya's face.

"- What a shame... I wish we could still go on for some more time..."

Kaeya blushed again at his boyfriend's behavior. Seeing him all possessive and needy felt new, but he enjoyed it a lot. He cupped the blonde's cheeks.

-" I wish too... You're so beautiful, so pretty, I want to keep you all for myself !"

It was Albedo's turn to blush. Even if he was comfortable with showing his possessive side to Kaeya, he was still weak to all his praises, and couldn't resist to his beautiful eyes.

He took back his shy side as he heard people in the corridors.

"- I- Um, let's get back to class, or people will talk about us again !"

Kaeya chuckled, still a bit red.

"- Just a last one, pretty please ?

- How could I say no to these eyes ?" answered Albedo, getting closer again.


The two boys ended up getting late to class and drew attention on them again, but this time there were even more whispers because of what happened in the cafeteria, and maybe also because Albedo's usually neat hair was disheveled, and both had really red cheeks.


Classes ended and Kaeya walked Albedo home as usual, and then came back to his flat. There, he found Childe sitting alone at the main table. The other ones were out.

Childe had a serious look in his face, rare enough to be noticed.

"- Hey Tarty, what's with that gloomy face ?" he asked with a playful voice.

Childe stayed silent for a moment before speaking :

"- So you are dating Albedo, huh ?

- Yes I do !

- So that means..."

Kaeya tilted his head on a side, not understanding what his friend meant, before he remembered.

"- Oh, that's right ! You lost your bet !" he exclaimed in a mocking tone.

Childe gave him a death stare.

"- I lost indeed. I have to confess to Mr Zhongli. This, in fact, doesn't bother me that much, but... The 'in front of everyone' ? I don't wanna get him fired !"

The ginger took a pained face as he hit his head on the table with despair.

Kaeya realized what the problem was and formed a "O" with his mouth.

"- I didn't think about that... Well, how about this ! I remove the 'in front of everyone' term ! You just need to confess to him in any way ! Well I know you wanted to anyways so I don't need a proof ! I'm just wishing you good luck !

- Thanks... I will need this..."

Childe gave a tired smile to his friend and went to his bedroom.

Before getting to sleep, he decided to send Zhongli a text to make sure he would be free the next day. The ginger opened his phone and went on Zhongli's number, that he managed to get when he went on a date with him the evening of Ayaka's party.


{Heya Mr Zhongli~

Wanna go on a date with me tomorrow ? It will be nice ^^}

It didn't take very long until he received an answer.


{It will indeed probably be agreeable. Where shall we meet ?}


{Let's meet at the park we went last time !

We could go to a café or watch a movie at the cinema ! }


{Very well. Then, I wish you a good night, Ajax...}


{Good night Mr Zhongli~}

Smiling and blushing a little at his teacher calling him by his real name, which nobody ever used, Childe laid on his bed and immediately fell in a deep sleep, dreaming about the following day, keeping a smile on his face for the whole time.


Hey ! Sorry, this chapter is really short, but I haven't posted for some time , so I decided to cut the chapter here instead of making you wait for too long ^^'
The next chapter will be about their date, thanks for waiting a little 😅 !
See you soon, bye bye and take care <3


Publishing date : June 3rd 2022
Words : 671

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