Chapter Fifteen

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Hi ! This is the last chapter of this book ! I hope you will like it ! See you at the end for more details about what I will do after that !


It had been two months since Kaeya and Albedo were dating, everything was going perfectly, they were the happiest they could be. They had been on numerous dates but always wanted to do more of these.

Their friends were also doing well.

Childe and Zhongli's relationship was completely obvious, but they didn't care, and it seemed the headmistress didn't care either (a lot of people suspected that was because she had herself a relationship with the PE teacher, Beidou). Childe and his class were graduating in two weeks, so it would have been useless to do something anyways.

Aether and Xiao were still together, Xiao had learned to open a little more to other people thanks to his friendly boyfriend. It was the same for Ayaka and Lumine, the white-haired girl was a lot more open to people and sociable, often going out to parties with her girlfriend.

Itto and Sara were finally dating, which made a lot of money circulate through the school because of all the bets people put on them, saying they would be dating before the end of the school year. Nobody really knew how did they managed to put their pride aside and go out together, but it definitely happened, even if on the exterior, their relationship seemed the same. People deducted this was just their way to express their affection.

As for Jean and Diluc, they were basically dating since they spent all their time together, but they were too shy to confess to each other so their relationship was kind of static. They seemed satisfied with it, though, so nobody told them anything.

Finally, Ayato and Thoma were getting married in a month, since they decided to at least graduate before marrying. They were in their own happy daydream, but expressed so much happiness it made other people around them happy too.


This day was pretty ordinary. It was a Saturday evening, and Albedo was at his house with Klee playing next to him, on the couch.

She looked unusually calm, when she raised her head and said :

"- Big Brother ! Can I sleep at Qiqi's house tonight ?"

Albedo chuckled when he realized :

"Oh, so that's why she was so quiet !"

Then he looked at his little sister and gave her a sweet smile.

"- Of course you can. But please, behave well with her parents !

- Okay ! They are very nice anyways ! By the way... How do I go to Qiqi's house, Big Brother ?

- Oh, you're right, we don't have a car... Well, I hope that won't bother him, but I'll call Kaeya to see if he can bring you there.

- Yaaay ! Big Bro Kaeya will take me to Qiqi's house !"

Albedo smiled at his little sister's joyful reaction and took his phone to call his boyfriend. Kaeya answered quickly and agreed immediately. Albedo could hear the smile in his voice as he was excited to see his boyfriend.

Albedo helped his sister preparing a bag for her, while they waited for Kaeya to arrive.

The blue-haired boy quickly took them in his car and dropped Klee off at her friend's house, then he came back to Albedo's house, and stopped in front of it to let his boyfriend go. But Albedo had an idea.

"- Actually, Kaeya... Would you like to stay here for the night ? To thank you for Klee... Of course, you don't have to if you don't want and-

- Why wouldn't I want to ? Thanks for offering, since I would actually have been alone tonight otherwise !

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