Chapter Nine

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Albedo and Kaeya were sitting on the side of the bed, the blonde had his head on the taller man's shoulder as they were cuddling. Nobody was saying anything, but it was a comfortable silence.

Both were at peace, but a thought appeared in Kaeya's mind.

"I really, really don't want to break this moment, but I need to explain myself about the bet the sooner I can. If he were to find out later, it would be awful. But... How to explain him why did I take this bet ?"

He didn't want to, but the blue-haired boy took a big breath and said :

"- Albedo, I need to tell you something."

He didn't use the "little Blondie" nickname, which worried Albedo as that meant he was serious. He got up and directed his gaze into the other's.

"- What's up ? Tell me.

- So..."

Kaeya began to tell Albedo about the bet he made with Childe. As he talked, the blonde's face crumpled more and more. Kaeya finished talking and turned away, not wanting to see the disappointment in the eyes of the one he loved.

"- You... made a bet on me ? You made a bet on my feelings ?

- I- 

- Shut up ! I don't want to hear you !"

Albedo didn't want to listen to him as the anger took over his body. He got up and faced Kaeya who was still sitting on the bed, a cold look in his eyes.

"- You played with me. All you did was motivated by a fucking game. What are you, 5 ?"

Kaeya winced as he heard the curse word in the sweet blonde's mouth. He was really mad at him, so much that he could feel the atmosphere in the room changing, he shivered as he felt the betrayal Albedo saw in him, his beautiful teal eyes lost all their shine and felt colder than ice.

"- And what was that, just now ? Was that part of you little game too ? Did you want to play with my body too ? Did you enjoy it ? All your lies, did it make you feel good ?

- No, I-

- I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP ! Anyways, you won your bet, you made me fall for you or anything you needed to do, so now why won't you just leave me alone ?"

Albedo turned away from Kaeya, unable to look a him for a longer time.

- I-I can't ! I can't leave you alone !

- And why is that, hmm ? You finished your little game with me, so-

- Because I love you !"

Albedo stopped moving as he was walking to the door, but didn't turn back.

"-...You think that with lies like that, I will easily forgive you ?

- I'm not lying !"

Albedo turned over and looked at Kaeya, not believing a single word from him.

"- Yeah, of course... Stop that please, you caused enough harm to me like that, I don't need more. Do you enjoy harming me that much ?"

Kaeya couldn't stand anymore that cold glare and the hurt expression Albedo had on his face. He could understand that the blonde would be mad at him, but he wouldn't let him explain himself and didn't believe him even when he told him the truth. He took a big breath.

"- Please, listen to me... I am not lying, I never lied with our relationship. I'm just now realizing that this bet was just an excuse to get closer to you. Childe too, by the way. Ever since I met you, I was captivated by you, you looked so easily readable and mysterious at the same time, I wanted to know more about you, but I never dared, since I would have felt bad flirting with you like the others, because you are not like the others for me."

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