Chapter Eight

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"- So, what do you want ?"

Kaeya was standing in front of his ginger friend, his arms folded. Childe was the one who sent him a text asking to meet him outside of the house, in the street.

At first, Childe had a big smile when he saw his friend, but it quickly faded when Kaeya showed an annoyed face. The blue-haired was mad at Childe because he interrupted a nice time with Albedo, he also felt bad for suddenly leaving Albedo alone in this party, and he was scared something would happen to him while he was away.

"- Umm... Everything's good at the party with your little blonde ?

- Everything was good until you called me.

- Oh... Sorry, haha !

- So, what do you want ? Hurry up please.

- Uh, actually I just wanted to... Know a good place for a date...

- Excuse me ? You called me just to know that ?

- Well, you know... You're known as the king of flirt, or something like that... So i thought you would know a nice place I could take Mr. Zhongli...

- And why couldn't you ask me sooner, or just ask me with a text ?"

Kaeya was astonished by his friend's idiocy, and even angrier.

"- Um, sorry I didn't think about that, haha...

- ...Well, take him to this beach, a little away from the main beach. There is never anyone, so you will be in peace, so you can take some food and eat it while you watch the sunset.

- Wow, thank you Kaeya, you're the best !

- Mmh. Well go to your date with your favorite teacher and please leave me alone."

Kaeya looked very angry, so Childe quickly thanked him again, not daring to hug him, and rapidly fled.

As his friend disappeared, the blue-haired let out a big sigh. Childe was really skilled to annoy him really fast.

As he let out a last sigh, Kaeya decided to come back in the house, worried about Albedo.

As he came back in the house, he looked around and searched for the blonde, wondering where he could be.

He eventually found him at the bar, with a glass full of something that definitely wasn't water, and sitting next to him was a woman, her face very close to his, seemingly encouraging him to drink.

"She's close. Too close. How dare she be this close to my Albedo ? He's mine !"

Kaeya's angry mind made him think a little too far. But seeing the blonde with that woman made him even angrier and he lost it.

He quickly went to the bar, standing right in between Albedo and the woman, then took the glass from the hands of a surprised Albedo and finished its content in one go. He then violently put back the glass on the bar.

"- Um... Kaeya, what are you doing ?" asked the blonde, a little scared as he saw his friend's state. He had his eyes wide open, a flame burning inside them, and his hand, still around the glass, held it so hard that it was about to break.

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