Chapter Seven

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Ding Dong

As Albedo heard the doorbell ringing, he immediately opened the door as he had been standing here for 20 minutes, to meet with pretty star-shaped eyes.

"- Hey Albedo ! You are all ready ?

- Good evening Kaeya. Yes, I'm ready to go !

- Where is Klee ? Is she sleeping somewhere else ?

- Yes, she is sleeping at her friend's house, Qiqi I think ?

- Alright then, let's go !"

Albedo grabbed his bag as Kaeya slightly entered in the house to wait for the blonde. As he did so, he noticed his outfit.

He was wearing a white shirt under a mint-coloured pullover, letting the collar out, with black ripped jeans and white sneakers. His hair was as usual half free and half tied with some braids. He was even prettier than usual, and Kaeya couldn't help but stare at him, blushing.

Albedo turned back as he finished gathering his things, and blushed too when he saw Kaeya staring at him, though he was flattered as he thought for a long time about his outfit. And then he looked at Kaeya back.

The blue-haired man was wearing a sleeveless white turtleneck under a long beige coat, with black tight jeans and boots.

(A/n : sorry I'm really bad at describing outfits and my clothing taste, especially in boys, is quite bad ^^')

Albedo couldn't help but devour him with his eyes, and felt like he would have never stopped to look at him if Kaeya didn't approach him until only his navy eyes were in the blonde's field of vision, he was then forced to stop and looked away, his face redder than a tomato.

"- Hum... Sorry, I didn't mean to look at you like that...

- You looked like you meant it, but anyways I don't mind ! Let's go now !"

The blonde nodded, left the house with him and got into the older's car, finding their way to the party.

As they got to the house Ayato gave them the address, they could already hear some music coming out of it.

The house was more of a villa, since it had around 4 floors, a big garden and a pool.

As Albedo and Kaeya went through the front door, a white-haired girl looking like Ayato noticed them and came closer, holding hands with a blonde girl with gentle golden eyes.

Both boys recognized the girls immediately. The white-haired young woman was Ayato's sister, Ayaka, and the blonde girl was Lumine, a popular girl in Ayaka's class who knew everyone and was known by everyone. They could even see in the distance her twin Aether trying to dance with a grumpy dark-haired boy named Xiao, he had the same age as Albedo but was a class lower since Albedo skipped a year.

(A/n : I have no idea if the Ayaka x Lumine ship is popular but I find them cute together so why not ! But I ship Xiaother a lot tho ❤️❤️)

"- Hi !" said Ayaka. " Welcome to my party, you're Kaeya, right ? I kind of remember you, it's been some time !

- Yeah it's been a long time, nice to see you again !

- It's nice for me too ! And he is your boyfriend, isn't he ?" she said looking at Albedo.

Both boys blushed a lot at Ayaka's assumption. They didn't dare to look at each other, too embarrassed for that.

"- We... We are not dating !" said Albedo with his soft voice, trying not to look at the blue-haired boy next to him.

Lumine giggled and got closer to Ayaka to whisper something to her ear. The white-haired girl giggled too before turning to the two boys.

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