Chapter Ten

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Albedo woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He blinked, still half asleep and as he totally opened his eyes, was surprised to see a muscular torso in front of him.

He jumped a little before remembering he fell asleep next to Kaeya the night before. But he didn't remember getting in his arms.

"Oh no, did I get in his arms unconsciously when I was asleep ? How embarrassing..."

The blonde blushed but regained composure as he remember they had classes today and that he needed to wake Kaeya up.

He then began to shake Kaeya's body a little. But the taller boy seemed to be a heavy sleeper.

The blonde didn't want to use violence in order to wake his boyfriend up, so he tried multiple softer solutions but nothing worked.

As he was getting desperate, he took the last option, even if he was really embarrassed about it.

He slowly got his face closer to his boyfriend's, red as a tomato.

But as his lips were only centimeters away from the other's lips, Kaeya's eyes bursted open.

Frozen by the surprise, Albedo didn't move as the blue-haired closed the space between both lips.

"- Good morning, Blondie" said Kaeya.

His boyfriend's seductive voice seemed to wake up Albedo from his surprise, and he rapidly backed up, even redder than before.


Kaeya chuckled at the blonde's flustered face.

"- Haha, looks like it.

- I-I'm sorry ! I didn't want to do that, but you weren't waking up and-

- Don't worry, it didn't bother me in any way.

- Oh thank Goodness..."

Albedo let out a relief sigh. But then he looked at his clock and widened his eyes.

"- Oh no, we're gonna be late !

- Don't worry, you know our classes begin at 10 a.m today right ?

- Yes I know that, and it's 9:43 a.m now ! We need at least 10 minutes to go from my house to the school !

- Oh.

- Well then let's go ! Hurry up !"

Albedo jumped from the bed and began to undress in order to change into his uniform. He was so much in a hurry that he didn't even bother to hide from Kaeya's gaze, which totally suited the blue-haired boy who enjoyed happily the view of his body.

But the blonde still noticed his boyfriend's insistent look and blushed as he turned back a little bit. He quickly finished clothing and announced, without giving a single glance in Kaeya's direction :

"- I-I'm going downstairs to eat something in the kitchen, so, uh... Bye !"

And he ran away as fast as he could.

Kaeya chuckled. Teasing Albedo was always so easy ! Then he decided he should maybe get ready too.


The two boys left the house five minutes before the classes started, so they went as fast as they could on the way to school.

They finally arrived as the bell was ringing the beggining of the classes. Kaeya knocked at the door and apologized for both of them as the teacher told them to go sit.

But their arrival didn't go unnoticed. Whispers began to spread all around the classroom. Why did they arrive together ? If they were just coming to school together, they would most probably be at school at the right time. Why were they both late today ?

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