March 11th, 6 months and 2 Weeks into Senior Year

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Armin clicked his pen over and over again. It was the period right before lunch and when he would actually talk to Eren. After they kissed Eren liked freaked out and slept on the couch. What if he didn't want too? No. He kissed Armin. So then why is he freaking out so much? Armin had been wondering if Eren felt the same and he thought last night confirmed it but now he doesn't know.

He hasn't talked to Armin all day. During breastfest he just looked at his food and in the car he didn't say the a word. Even in class. Eren has been pretty much avoiding Armin. Why is he avoiding me? Armin thought bitting his nail. He kissed me and now he won't talk to me? What the hell is going on? Armin was starting to get pissed off.

As the bell rang Armin ran to the lunch room.

Eren however was not excited. Why the fuck did I kiss him? He ran a hand through his hair practically ripping it from the scalpe. He had been beating himself up since he did it. I mean he said I could but what if he only said yes so he didn't hurt my feelings? Eren couldn't even look at Armin he felt so bad.

When the bell rang Eren dragged his feet to the lunch room.

Armins leg was bouncing and he was biting his nails bloody. Mikasa looked him up and down. "Uh. Armin are you okay?"

Armin clicked his tongue. "Where's Erens?" He asked. Mikasa shrugged. Just as he was about to get up Eren sat down. "We need to talk like now."

Eren but his tongue. "Uh. Can we do it later?" 

"Eren we either talk right now outside alone or here in front of everyone." Armin said. That's when he noticed Armins hands. The skin around the nails was bleeding. He didn't really how much it stressed Armin out.

Eren sighed, getting up. They both walked outside, they decided talking at the back of the school was best. "Eren what the fuck?" Armin said. "How are you gonna kiss me then ignore me all damn day like if you regret it just fucking say it."

Eren waved his hands up. "Wait wait wait I don't regret I thought you like would be mad or something."

Armin ran his hands down his face. "I literally said told you could kiss me."

"You could have just been trying to like I don't know be nice." Eren defended.

Armin scoffed. "Eren for the love God. I kissed you because I wanted to. I wanted to kiss. I've wanted to kiss you for a while now. Fuck. And then you go off acting like you never wanted to do it."

Eren grabbed Armins face. "I did." Armin looked at him. "Like I did actually. I don't know I've never freaked out about kissing someone like that before and I was worried you didn't want it or something and I didn't want to like ruin what we have ya know."

Oh. Armin smiled. "Believe me. I wanted it to. I don't regret it. Not even in the slightest."

Eren moved closer to Armin. "Then would you mind if I kissed you again?" Armin nodded and Eren closed the space between them kissing Armin softly. Armins lips were dry probably from biting his nail. Eren pulled away. "Wait okay so do we tell the others were dating or-"

Armin scoffed. "I never heard you say anything about dating." Erens mouth dropped. "If you want to date me you have to actually ask me out." Armin then headed back inside. He took his usual spot. "Before anyone ask, no I won't say what happened but I will say everything is okay now."

Jean let out of relief. "Oh thank god. Seeing you made exspisically at Eren is scary." Armin laughed.

Eren sat down and whispered to Armin. "How am I supposed to ask you out if you walk off?" He whispered. Armin shrugged. "God. Armin Alert will you be my boyfriend?" Armin choked on his drink.

He leaned over covering his extremely red face with Erens body and whispered, "In front of everyone?"

Eren shrugged. "They didn't hear."

Armin sighed. "fine. Yes." Eren did a little fist bump in the air. Armin rolled his eyes. 

"Okay what fuck is going on?" Jean asked.

Armin looked up. "huh oh, nothing he just begging me to forgive him for waking me up early and I finally did." This  pissed jean off. He was chewing his finger nails off this was not about sleep. Jean tsked and slumped into his seat. Well he's pissed. Armin thought.

Eren gave Jean a confused look. Why is he so pissy? He wrote it off as nothing and looked at Armin . Omg. I'm dating him.

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