February 23th, 6 months into Senior Year

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Armin knew a lot more about Eren now. Eren had told Armin the story behind almost every photo. Even the bad one. it made Armin feel happy knowing Eren trusted him enough to tell him. However it was making lunch super awkward.

He wanted to thank Historia but he didn't know how. I mean what was he supposed to say. "Hey I know you helped my best friend who I might be in love with through the worst time of his life thank you." Armin shook the thought away.

He decided he would do it today. After lunch they had a class together so it would be easier. However Armin was not prepared for how anxious lunch was gonna be. Armin was bobbing his leg up and down and it was kind of freaking Eren out. "Hey uh you okay?" Eren asked, putting his hand on Armins knee.

"Well uhm." Armin started. He leaned over and whispered to Eren so the others couldn't hear. "I want to like I don't know thank Historia for helping you and stuff but I don't really know how."

Eren clicked his tongue. "You don't have to do that." He whispered.

Armin shrugged. "Eren she helped you. Yes you said thank you but I want to thank her to. I'm just trying to figure out how." Eren smiled. It felt nice seeing Armin cared so much about something that was about him. Sure it was kind of selfish but he didn't care.

"Well is there I can do to help you calm down?" Eren asked. Armin shrugged. Eren moved over slightly closer, keeping his hand on Armins knee.

Jean gave Armin a pitiful look. "Dude? You okay?" Armin nodded. Yes he was working on talking about when he was upset but this wasn't any of his business. Jean sighed. Why is lying? Eren gave Armin a thankful smile. Oh. That's why. Jean smiled to himself.

The bell rang, making Armin jump. "Hey." Eren said. "You're gonna be fine." Armin nodded and got up.

"Ready?" He asked Historia. They always walked to the class together. Historia smiled and got up.

She kissed Ymir on the cheek. "bye." Ymir waved and they started walking. It was a intense awkward silence. The building they should be in was across the school so they had a little wase to walk.

"Hey so um." Armin didn't know where to start. "Uh me and Eren talked about some stuff and uh." Historia hear dropped. What did they talk about? "Nothing bad! Just um. I wanted to thank you."

Historia was stunned. "Thank me?"

"You were there for him. You helped him when he needed it. Thank you." Armin said he felt like a weight had been lifted. "And also if you ever need to like talk. I know that was a lot for you. And like you shouldn't bottle it up or anything."

Historias eyes watered. "Wow um. Thank you. And don't worry Ymir and I talk about it a lot actually. Shes really helped me. And I'm really happy Eren told you. Like I'm glad he trust you so much." She was crying now and Armin was kind of panicking. "God I'm so happy right now. Like coming here was probably the best thing to happen to me and now, like Eren is telling people and I just I'm so happy."

Armin hugged her. "I'm glad Ymir is helping and I'm glad you like it here." He was now crying. They stood there for a good few minutes just crying. "We should probably just skip today so we don't get in trouble."

"Yea you're right." Historia said. They both dried their eyes and walked around to the back of the school.

Armin bit his lip. "You promise you're okay?"

Historia nodded. "yea actually. I'm so happy here. Like I have such good friends and Ymir God Ymir has made my life so much better." She laughed. "How did you find out-Wait how much do you know?"

Armin smiled. "You're that friend he was talking about at lunch the other day right?" She nodded. "Yea everything. First I found out about him ODing and then a couple weeks ago he told me some other stuff." Armin cleared his throat. "Um. He wasn't like trying to kill himself. At least that's what he said. He was like stressing that to me when he told me about it."

Historia hung her head low. "I wish I believed that. Its probably the truth but I just, then why else would he do so much?"

Armin put his hand on her arm. "Maybe he didn't know. Like he could of been doing more than he was thinking." He suggested. "I mean he kept bringing up his tolerance."

Historia leaned against his arm. "You're probably right. I didn't even think of that." She ran a hand through her hair. "God. I just- seeing him like that. It was so just God." Her body shuttered. Armin gently rubbed he back. "It was so scary."

"Historia. I don't know what I would have done in your shoes. I would have been freaking out so bad." Armin said. "like I wouldn't of been able to get him hospital."

She smiled. "I just. I walked into his room and- He was staying with a friend paying rent at the time because school was out- and I just did the first thing I could think of."

Armin shook his head. "Did you every have to like pay rent and shit or was it just him?"

She sighed. "After school was out like during Summer and stuff we were supposed to go home to see our family and stuff we didn't have the on campus living. Eren wasn't welcome home because of his dad." Armin knew the last bit. "And well he didn't want to burden anyone so he did odd jobs until he could get a real one and stayed with one of the older guys who hung out at the school."

Armin sighed. "God. I feel so bad for him. And you." She looked at him. "That must have been so much for you guys."

She jumped up. "It's better now. And no I'll never forget what it was like at the hell hole but Im doing better now. Im not gonna let it control me. And Eren promised he do the same." Armin stood up with her. "And I know he wasn't lying I can see how much better hes doing now that he has you again." She looked up. "And I have Ymir. And we have everyone."

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