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In the MLP EG world, 7 teenage girls with magical powers play in a band, and after all the battles with magical bad guys, are now well known in their school. As of currently, it is after school and the Mane 7 are figuring out what to do. It was sort of hard for them to do things that weren't either school related, work related or magic related, since all of them always had something to do after school, so this was sort of the first time, they actually had some time off from everything.

SS: Hey, what should we do? This is probably the first time we don't need to practise after school.

RD: Yeah, honestly, I really think we need one. And you girls know that if I need a break, then you know it's serious. On another note, at least we don't have to worry about staying at school later than usual.

TS: That is true, Rainbow. I wonder what we can do today. Should we hang out at my house? Or we could watch a movie at the movie theatres. There should be a lot of new movies there that we could watch.

PP: Yeah, that's a great idea, Twilight!! I can bring snacks for us while we hang out at Twilight's house!! Then we can watch a movie at the theatres afterwards. *Pinkie says while smiling brightly.*

SS: Not a bad idea, Twilight. Maybe we can actually relax for once. We should definitely hang out for a bit, then like Pinkie said, we'll go watch a movie after. It's just a matter of choosing what movie to watch. *Sunset says with a smile.*

AJ: Yep, we definitely need a break. We've practised wayyy too much to not deserve one.

*An hour and a half later. After hanging out at Twilight's home.*

FS: Hey Twilight, thank you for suggesting we hang out at your house, like Applejack said, we have needed a break.

TS: No problem, guys, I mean, if we need a break, we need a break, no doubt about it. Anyways, what movie do you want to watch?

R: For sure, but I think we should watch that new teenage mutant ninja turtles movie that was released a couple weeks ago. I hear from other people that have seen it that it's really good. And since it's been a couple weeks since the movie came out, the movie theatres won't be that busy, so at least we can choose our seats wisely.

PP: Yeah, let's watch that! I haven't actually watched it either, so hopefully, it should be good. *while smiling brightly.*

AJ: Wait, hold on now, how come I've never heard of this "teenage mutant ninja turtles" movie before?

R: Probably because when it comes to movies or any tv show, you don't watch it since you're always busy working on homework or working on the farm. *Rarity says while grinning slightly.*

AJ: ... Fair point, I have been a little busy whilst on the farm. I probably should do something that's not farm related like granny Smith says for me to do. *she says while rubbing her neck awkwardly.*

R: But it's okay, darling, we all have been a little busy with everything else on our plates. So I honestly understand. *she says while smiling slightly.*

*After Rarity says that, Applejack looks at her with happiness. At the movie theatre since the movie was still in theatres. Before buying the tickets for the movie, Rainbow is still a little sceptical about watching the TMNT movie.*

RD: Let's hope what you say about this movie, Rarity, is true. I really just want this movie to be good. *Rainbow says sceptically.*

R: Don't worry, darling, I know what I say will be true. This movie will be a blast to watch, it'll be fun. *Rarity says while smiling.*

RD: But, I mean, it's not everyday you suggest a movie, Rarity, but it's okay, I should be glad we're watching a movie. *Rainbow says while smiling.*

R: See, that's the spirit, Rainbow, also, I know, but I got really excited. I've really wanted to watch this movie since the news came out about it happening.

RD: And when was that? *she says with a bit of a smirk.*

R: Like almost a year ago. I'm honestly surprised that this movie has been in theatres for this long. *Rarity says while chuckling a bit.*

TS: Yay, I'm so excited! Let's do this!! Let's watch a movie and eat some popcorn!!

*The Mane 7 are excited to watch the movie, which is why before going inside the theatre to watch the movie, Pinkie suggests that they go to the snack bar to get some popcorn, drinks, and candy to snack on during the movie.*

*After the movie, which took about an hour and a half, the Mane 7 are starting to walk out of the movie, and since they've not had a chance to, they all go to the bathroom. And after they use the bathroom, is when the following conversation happens.*

R: SEE, Rainbow darling, I told you it would be good, wouldn't it?

RD: Okay, I have to admit: that was better than I was expecting. I'm sorry I doubted you, Rarity, I certainly was not expecting the movie to be that good. *Rainbow says while smiling and rubbing her neck with her hand awkwardly.*

R: It's fine, darling, as long as you enjoyed the movie, that's all I care about. *she says while smiling and puts her hand on her arm for a bit.*

SS: You were right, Rarity, it was good. Actually, it was better than good. Thank you for suggesting that movie, Rarity, and thank you Twilight, for suggesting that we watch a movie in the first place. Honestly, this is probably the best break we could've asked for. *while smiling.*

TS: No problem, Sunset, I know we all have a lot on our plates, with school, and work, and all the magical problems we'd faced, so I just thought that we needed something to remedy that, so a movie felt in order for that break. It's alright if we're still on a break for the week, right? *Twilight says while smiling brightly.*

R: I agree with Twilight, I'm just happy that I got to suggest what movie to watch, and that you guys were willing to watch it with me. I mean, it's hard for me to suggest a movie I like to other people. *Rarity says while smiling as well.*

SS: Of course, we honestly deserve to have a break after all the training we've been doing with our instruments and our magic, so, it's understandable if you guys want more of a break. *Sunset says while smiling brightly.*

*After walking out of the theatres, Sunset and the rest of the Mane 7 notices that something isn't right, in which case just so happens to be the fact that they weren't in their home world anymore. The only thing is that they didn't know that the world they are in, is the same world that they were just watching a movie for.*

SS: Wait a minute, this isn't our home, where on earth are we? How on Earth did we even get here in the first place, if we even still are on our Earth...

Could this movie have changed their world? Where did they go? What will they find out about the world they're in? Find out!!

MLP EG and TMNT (2012) CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now