Force of Habit

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At home the next day, and still worrying about what might happen with Sonata, Sunset is in her room thinking of ways to get Sonata out while not having Adagio and Aria realise the second she leaves, and also in the fastest way possible. She wanted to help Sonata, everyone did, it was only a matter of time before they needed to get her out, or she might be in bigger trouble if Adagio and Aria found out. Since it was Saturday, Sunset also decided to write to the pony version of Twilight in her journal for some advice and some help for the situation. This was probably one of the few things that was hard for Sunset to come up with some answers for, considering the fact that she was supposed to be the resident magic know it all in the human world. Sunset was in some deep thinking for a while, so she was just sitting on her bed, just thinking about how to get Sonata out of that unfortunate situation. She also had a notebook out to write out what she was thinking. While in her thoughts, she gets startled by a knock on her window. Considering that she wasn't really expecting anyone, she quickly realised that it was Raph at the window, after realising, she let Raph in, and this conversation soon followed.

SS: *after opening the window, and letting Raph in.* Hey, Raph, I'm sorry I didn't see you there. As you could've seen, I was very much in thought. Also, I wasn't really expecting anyone to come over today. *while smiling.*

RH: *chuckles.* It's okay, I don't blame you. With everything that's been going on, it's understandable.

RH: Are you writing to pony Twilight again? Do you think she'll help with the situation? If she manages to find a solution at all?

SS: I did write to her, yes, but right I'm writing out my thoughts. I hope you don't mind if I write to her, it's been a habit for a while, and honestly I'm not sure, I typically just write how my day is going to her, but with this, I'm not entirely sure she'll be of help, but we'll see.

SS: Anyways, was there something you wanted to talk about? You don't typically come to my window and/or apartment without a problem.

RH: No, I didn't come here with a problem, I just wanted to see how you were doing, I mean, you seem more stressed than usual. Not to say that you're always stressed. You just seem more stressed than normal right now. *Raph says awkwardly.*

SS: I guess I have been a bit more stressed than usual. I guess with going to school during the week, with homework, and finding out what Sonata wants to do, I've had a lot on my plate this week.

RH: Well, you know that I'm always here for you to talk to. *remembers something else that he wanted to talk about, that Sunset might have an idea about as well.*  Also, is it just me or are Rarity and Donnie acting a little strange?

SS: Yeah, I've noticed that too, I just thought that it was just them being themselves, but they've been silently avoiding us, and I think I may know why. I don't know if it's the same explanation as yours, but...

RH: They're going on a date? I mean, that has to be the only explanation. *realises that he may have said that a little too fast.*

SS: I think you have a point. I think we should wait, considering the same thing happened to Leo and Twilight when they went on their date: they didn't want anyone else to know either, so let's just pretend that we don't know. *Sunset says with a wink.*

RH: Nice talk, Sunset, I should probably be getting back to the lair, me and the rest of the guys actually should be doing some training right about now, so, I guess I'll see you and the girls tonight?

SS: Don't worry, you will. Thank you for checking up on me. Somehow you always know when something is bugging me and I really appreciate that *Sunset says with a smile.*

*During the end of Sunset's and Raph's conversation, Twilight was on the other side on the door, not because she was eavesdropping, but because she also wanted to check up on her, but she already heard Raph do that, so she didn't really need to do that herself, but she had something else in mind, as something was wrong. Sonata had texted Twilight that Stockman was completely done with their pendants, meaning that they were able to get their powers back when they sing, and get everyone to follow them like how they were at the Battle of the Bands. This was something that they needed to tell everyone, but Twilight didn't want to interrupt their conversation, so she waited until Raph was finished talking to her, when Twilight came in. Raph is just about to leave when Twilight comes in to tell them the news before he leaves.*

TS: Hey, Sunset, Raph, sorry to bug you guys, and Raph, I know you're about to leave, I'm sorry, but we may have a bit of a problem on our hands. Sonata just texted saying that Stockman is done fixing their pendants. They could possibly get their powers back. Not unless we manage to stop them before that happens.

SS: *remembers what happened back at the Battle of the Bands.* That's not great, we definitely need to tell the others about this.

RH: I agree, I'm pretty sure that the rest of the Mane 7 are already at the lair, so we'll all go to the lair together. Twilight will tell my brothers and the rest of the Mane 7 what's going on when we get to the lair, so that we have a timeline and possibly a plan, cause I don't believe that they know you girls are here.

SS: Alright, me, Raph, and Twilight should start going. We don't have much time before they do what they did at the Battle of the Bands. *is starting to get a little worried for not only their safety, but everyone else's, including Sonata's safety as well.*

*After leaving their apartment, they started going to the lair, but what they didn't realise was that Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were watching them leave the apartment, now knowing that they were here with them. Once Raph, Sunset and Twilight leave, they get back to their lair to tell Shredder, which after they get back, Sonata leaves them to text Twilight to tell her what happened, which will then leave her with even more bad news to tell the group.*

*Once at the lair, Twilight looks at her phone and sees the text that Sonata sent, to refresh her memory of what Sonata had texted her, which she then tells the rest of the group. She then sees the new text that Sonata left, that basically said they knew that they were here.*

TS: Okay, so there are two things that Sonata texted me that are very big problems for us. One: she stated that Stockman is done with their pendants, so that means that they could get their powers back, and two: Adagio, Aria, and she saw me, Sunset and Raph leave our apartment, so that isn't great. But, I don't think Adagio and Aria know about Sonata.

SS: *In shock* They saw us leave our apartment?? That means that Adagio and Aria know where we live, they might even know where we go to school. *is now even more stressed out than before.*

RH: Sunset, it's okay, we'll figure something out. I'm pretty sure Adagio and Aria don't know what we're doing with Sonata.

L: Raph has a point, they may not know that Sonata wants out, since she was there with them. Now that they know that you girls are here, it might mean that we need to be extra cautious of what we do when it comes to Sonata. Especially you girls.

SP: Leonardo is right, the seven of you girls must be extremely careful when roaming the streets, considering that we know they are after you girls for revenge.

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