More New Friends?

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Over the next couple of weeks, Sunset was thinking about how April and Casey may not be telling the full truth about how they didn't go home that one night, but she wasn't going to bring it up, considering the fact that they haven't been fully honest with April and Casey either. Meaning that they've had to practise their music in secret for the time being, since they knew that the music they played made their ears, tails, and wings come out. Sunset then decided to tell the girls what she had seen happen with April and Casey on their first day at their new school.

SS: Hey girls, can I say and/or ask you guys something?

AJ: Of course, sugar cube, you know you can tell us anything.

SS: Um, on our first day here at school, did any of you see that both April and Casey didn't go to April's house?

TS: Yeah, I saw that too, but I didn't want to say anything in case they were going to like the store or the park, or somewhere like that. I didn't really want to assume anything of them or anything like that.

SS: Yeah, that's what I thought as well, but I sort of have a bad feeling about it. Although, I don't really want to tell them off, since we're not exactly telling the full truth either.

TS: I mean, you do have a point, Sunset, but they've probably been doing this for a while now, since it didn't really look like they seemed to care that much that we were watching them, and because of that, they probably just forgot about that. But you are right about them not wanting to tell the truth.

FS: I agree with you both, it doesn't seem right for them to tell us the full truth if we're not telling the full truth either.

*After the conversation, they decide to head to school, but also decide to not tell April and Casey what they saw, in fear of their new friends getting upset at them for assuming something that might not be true. Once they got to school, they see April and Casey waiting for them at the front of the school. *

AN: Hey, girls, are you okay? How was your first couple of weeks here?

RD: Oh, it was alright, other than it being more noisier than usual, but it was fine. But, then again, we tend to be noisy when we play our instruments, so...*Rainbow says while smiling proudly.*

AN: That's good. *in her mind* We should probably tell them about the turtles, I don't really want them thinking we keep secrets.

CJ: Wait, you guys play instruments? That's cool, do you guys think you can play for us sometime?

RD: Maybe, we'll have to think about it, but we'll get back to you on that. We will play for you guys eventually. *Rainbow says while smiling.*

AN: *puts hand on Casey's shoulder* Actually, there is something me and Casey want to tell you or rather, show you after school.

*Casey then looks at April with both shock and concern, as he might know what April would be talking about when it comes to telling secrets, especially secrets that include mutant turtles, which is why he texts April asking her about what she wants to talk about.*

CJ: *texts April* Are you sure we should tell them about the turtles? I mean, they only just arrived here a couple weeks ago. I don't know, April. *Casey texts with a little bit of concern.*

April: *texts back Casey* Yes, I mean they're nice people, and over the last couple weeks, they haven't asked about where we went, unless they think that we might not be friends with them anymore if they asked.

CJ: *texts back to April.* Fair point, I wouldn't want to not be friends with them, especially since I'm sort of starting to have a little crush on Applejack.

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