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Once they had their plan to save Sonata, and hopefully take down Shredder, pretty much they wanted to take out two birds with one stone, they set out on their patrols. As mentioned in the last chapter, they each went off in pairs: Twilight and Leo, Raph and Sunset, Mikey and Pinkie, Rarity and Donnie, April and Casey, Karai and Shinigami, and then they allowed Flutter Shy, Applejack, and Rainbow to go as a trio on their patrol area. We will go from the perspective of Rarity and Donnie for the time being, since they're the only two that haven't been on a date yet. And which is one thing Donnie was thinking about while on their patrol run. While Rarity and Donnie were on patrol, and on their designated roof, they decided to talk about the Dazzlings to pass the time.

D: So, you really think that this Sonata girl is telling the truth? I mean, along with Adagio and Aria, she tried to destroy you and the rest of the Mane 7 during that Battle of the Bands thing you girls keep talking about when you talk also about the Dazzlings.

R: When we first met the Dazzlings, Sonata actually seemed a little different from Adagio and Aria. Her personality is a lot like Pinkie Pie's. *she says while chuckling.*

R: She wasn't like Adagio or Aria. I think that after being defeated by us, because of her heart most likely already being in that direction, her defeat sort of allowed her to be pushed to the edge of that decision. And plus, I don't think she even saw Twilight and Leo when she was on the roof, so I don't really think she's lying.

D: So, that would probably explain why she said what she said while Twilight and Leo were on patrol that night. She probably just wanted to be alone, but didn't notice or realise that Twilight and Leo were there. *he said while nodding his head based on what Rarity said.*

D: But why did they want to defeat you girls? I mean, I understand they probably need to, for their own personal gain and whatnot, but why? 

R: Probably because they wanted power, and more specifically, they also wanted the power that we have, you know, the ears, the tail, the wings, they wanted the world to be under their control, and that included the world that Sunset is from as well.

D: Equestria, right? Wait, hold on, Sunset's also from there? I thought it was only that pony Twilight you girls were talking about that was from there?

D: *realises something.* You know what, that would probably explain why Sunset knows so much about magic than she puts out. And why she was able to help you girls with the battle between you girls and the Dazzlings. That makes a lot of sense why she knows more than she leads on with magic.

R: Yes, but we didn't want to say anything about Sunset being from Equestria, mainly because we sort of forget that Sunset is even from there. She's always here, in our world, she never really goes back. The only way she is able to know what goes on there, is when she writes to pony Twilight in her journal. Which sometimes, isn't very often. But, typically, she does write to pony Twilight every now and then, for an update. Not only on our lives, but her life as well. *She says a bit sadly.*

D: Do you know why she doesn't go back? I'm pretty sure it's not because of a good reason. Not to say that it could be a good reason, but typically, when someone doesn't feel like going somewhere they haven't been in a while, it's usually not a good reason.

R: Yes, I do know why, but I think I'll let Sunset explain to you guys why she doesn't really feel like going back to Equestria. I don't want her to feel like she has to be the outsider, when she's been here more than Equestria. *she says while smiling.*

*After that conversation, Donnie looked down, as though he was thinking about something, which he was, and that was if Rarity would say yes to him asking her on a date. He, like before when he thought about it, was if this was the right time to ask her. While she was still looking for Sonata, in case she was here and they didn't see her, once she looked at Donnie, Rarity had noticed that he seemed a little out of it, so she decided to ask this question to Donnie, since she was a little curious as to what he was thinking.*

R: Hey, Donnie, are you okay, darling? You seem a little distracted after our little conversation about everything about the Dazzlings. Also, you're never usually this distracted while on patrol, so I'm a little worried.

D: *sits down on the roof ledge.* Sort of, I'm just thinking about something, and I want to say it, but I don't think that this is the best time. With what's going on right now, I really don't believe that now is the right time. *he says while looking down.*

R: *in her head* Could it be that he wants to ask me on a date? Why would he be shy to ask me that? Maybe it could be because of possible previous experiences? But who would reject Donnie? I'll find that out later. You know what, I'll ask him out myself. I should've probably asked him out a long time ago.

R: *goes and sits on the ledge with him.* Donnie, if I may, and I think this is what you are thinking about, but would you like to go on a date with me?

D: *realises what she said, and looks at her.* Wait, what? I don't understand, you've wanted to go on a date with me as well? I honestly thought you'd say no... *he says shocked.*

D: *is still a bit shocked, and a bit nervous after what Rarity had said.* I was honestly going to ask you the same thing, I swear to you on that, but with the whole Sonata thing and the knowing of the Dazzlings thing, I didn't really know the right time to ask you on a date.

R: Honestly, I was really hoping you'd ask, it didn't really matter when, all I really cared about IF you asked. And why would I say no to you Donnie? You're like the one person I'd probably not say no to. Unless it's the rest of the Mane 7 and your brothers, I'd probably not say no to them either. *she says while smiling and chuckling a bit.*

D: *also chuckling a bit.* Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm not sure if Sonata is here, I think we should go. We should probably get back to the lair, the others should have something, or hopefully someone.

*After settling the little conversation between them about the date, they've decided to wait until after the whole debacle with Sonata, the Dazzlings, and Shredder, if they're able to go on an actual date. After waiting about half an hour for Sonata to show up, they've seen and noticed that Sonata wasn't going to come to the area that they were staking out, they decided to head back to the lair in hopes that another pair or team was able to track her down, and bring her to the lair, also in hopes that Sonata will take their offer of protection from the Dazzlings and Shredder. Most of the group was hoping that Sonata would become an ally after saving her, which hopefully, will be a success. The only worry all of them had was finding Sonata, if she really was out at the time that they were, and if Adagio and Aria hadn't caught on to what Sonata was willing to do. Let's see who has something to say when they get to the lair, or if they have someone.*

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