Chapter 2

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Luke and I pulled up to the shop to get the milk. We walked through the automatic doors into a burst of warm air. I being my silly self had on only a tank top and short shorts. Luke on the other hand had a jumper and jeans.

We got to the cold aisle and I started to shiver because of the cold fridges on either side of us. Luke noticed and gave me his jumper saying in a deep voice "I'm a man, I don't get cold!". He then ran the rest of the way up the aisle to the milk and waited for me while jumping on his toes. When I reach him I thank him for the jumper.

"Okay" said luke rubbing his hands together "how many litres do we need?"

"We'll there is me, you, Jai, Beau, James and my brother so that's three litres each and that amounts up to 18 litres" I say doing the math out loud.

"So how do you suppose we carry this amount of milk?"

I say "I'll go get a trolley while you wait here"

Luke nods in reply and then a grin erupts onto his face making me wonder what his devious gorgeous mind is thinking so I ask him what he's thinking leaving out the part where I call him gorgeous.

"Dibs sitting in the trolley while you push it on the way to the checkout with the milk"

I roll my eyes at his adorable immaturity and go get the trolley.

When I return to Luke he's got 18 litres of milk on the ground in a circle around him sitting crossed legged looking like a lost puppy. I smile to myself and start loading the milk into the trolley. Luke stands up and helps. He then jumps into the trolley and once again sits crossed legged and points in the direction of the check out and says "to the check out". Ok so maybe it was more shouting than saying but how and ever. I decided to leg it down the aisle towards the check out while getting some strange looks from customers doing their weekly shop. I didn't care though because Luke was beside me and looking incredibly cute while laughing his head off.

When we got to the check out I just about stopped before bumping into an old lady purchasing a news paper. However I did manage to tip her with the trolley. She turned around furiously - while Luke was obliviously looking at magazines - and whacked poor Luke over the head with her news paper. I had to turn around and put my hand over my mouth to stop my giggles. I then heard Luke say "Hannah why did that lady hit me?" I turned around and Luke was looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "That may have been slightly my fault because I bumped into her with the trolley" I said while scratching my head and avoiding his eyes. He nodded and smiled saying that he doesn't mind.

Luke jumps out of the trolley and we unpack the milk onto the conveyor belt. The cashier gives us the total which was €22.97. Wow milks gotten expensive I think. While I was thinking and not paying attention Luke had payed for the milk. I gave him a death glare that said I was going to pay. He smiled and tickled me knowing exactly how to stop me from being mad at him which can be annoying as then I cant stay mad at him.

After the cashier gave us a weird look for all the milk we were purchasing she handed Luke the receipt and three bags to put the milk in. We put two cartons in each bag. Luke being the gentleman he can be took two of the bags leaving me to carry one. I smiled to myself as we walked to the car.

I opened the car and popped the boot open. Luke put his two bags in the boot and took mine and placed it in as well. I thanked him. He then looked at me and asked if he could drive. I nodded and chucked him the keys and he grinned happy that I was allowing him to drive my new car having not trusted him to do so before. .

Mini Skip ~ a Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now