Chapter 3

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Luke drove us to the car park. When we got there we saw Daniel, Jai, James and Beau lying on the ground sunbathing. I quietly got out of the car, snook over between Beau and James. I knelt down and screamed "MILK" in their ears. They both shot up and looked around to see what just happened. When they saw me I ran. "HANNAH GET BACK HERE" they screamed as they chased after me. "GUYS stop messing we need to do this challenge" said James. "Okay" they sigh.

I go over and help Luke set up the camera. "So are you sure you want to do this?" Luke asks. "Of course COME AT ME BRO" I laugh. "Ha okay then lets do it" Luke says while handing me a carton of milk. We all stand in front of the camera and the boys say their bit "hi we're the Janoskians" "and I'm Hannah" I say "and together we're daresundays" we all say together. "Today we are doing the three litre milk challenge" said Jai. "So the objective is to not throw up. If you get sick you're out" said Daniel. "Legoooo" I say impatiently. "Okay okay" Luke laughed. "Alright so the teams are me and Beau and we are using pink, Jai and James are using green and Hannah and Luke are using blue" says Daniel. "Okay three, two, one GOOO" I shout and start gulping down the milk.

After about two minute I start to feel sick. "How are ya doing boys?" I ask. Just as I say it Beau throws up all over the place and we all start laughing. "Not to good" says Beau.

I was about three quarters of the way finished when I felt it coming up. "Are you okay hannah?" Says Luke. "Nope" I say as I throw up. I feel someone hold my hair back. I stand up straight again and Luke is behind be. "Thanks Luke" I say. "No problem banana teammates gotta work together" he says with a wink. I laughed at his nickname for me. Skip was the next to get sick then Jai. Only people left in the game were Luke and James. They stood besides eachother while the boys chanted "CHUG CHUG CHUG".

After a few minutes James got sick. "Okay Luke to win you must finish the milk" says Beau. "I won't give up on milk" Luke sings. "Come on Luke you can do this" I say to him. "Okay Luke you have 30 seconds to finish it" says Daniel. 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 "come on Luke you got this" say to him. 15, 14, 13, 12, 11. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6-" "DONE" screams Luke as he throws the empty carton on the ground. "WE WON" I shouted and hugged Luke. Luke smiled at me but that smile faded and he pushed me onto the ground. He spun around and threw up.

A shooting pain shot up my arm "AHHH" I screamed tears spilling from my eyes. "Han are you okay?" Asked my big brother. "No I-I t-think its b-broken" I said between sobs. "What the hell were you thinking Luke" Daniel shouts a Luke giving him a push. "I'm sorry it was a reflex, I didn't want to throw up on her and I didn't think I'd pushed her that hard" Luke says apologetically. "I'm so sorry Hannah" Luke said as he grabbed my hand. "It's o-okay L-Luke" I sobbed. "I think we should take her to the hospital" says Luke to Daniel. "Okay I'll bring the car around" says Daniel. I feel someone pick me up. I open my eyes and see Luke looking down at me. "How are ya feeling?" He asks. "Sore" I answer. "I'm sorry banana" he says. "Don't worry about it Lukey" I say to him. I got into the car with Luke and Jai on either side of me. On the way to the hospital I felt quite sleepy. I lay my head on Jai's shoulder and drifted into a sound sleep.

Mini Skip ~ a Luke Brooks Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now