Chapter 4

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*Luke's P.O.V*

We were sitting in the car on the way to the hospital for Hannah. She was seated in between Jai and I. I looked over to Hannah to see if she was ok as her soft sobs had stopped. A pang of jealousy washed through me when I saw her resting her head on Jai's shoulder. I know I shouldn't be jealous because I don't have the joy of calling her mine. Someday I'd love to, yes, but not right now. I mean Daniel is one of my best mates and I don't want to change that or for things to change between us. He's never really told us were not allowed to date Hannah but I know he often gives me a death glare if I get too close to her. Anyway I'd say all this worrying and thinking is for nothing because I don't think she even likes me. She's always saying how were like brothers to her.

We arrived at the hospital and I decided to shake Hannah awake gently while lightly murmuring her name. Her eyes fluttered open and I was lost in her sea blue eyes.

"We're at the hospital Han" I say once I shake myself out of my daze. She nods her ok and unbuckles her seat belt. We walk into the a&e part of the hospital and walk up to the receptionist. She smiles politely and asks us what she can do for us today. You can tell she's tired and that the smile is forced. I step forward "my friend Hannah" I start off while pointing at Hannah "hurt her arm when I pushed her to the ground slightly harder than intended and we would like an x-ray because we think it's broken". The rest of the boys nod as if saying that I'm speaking the truth. The lady nods while telling us to take a seat and that she will be seen within the next twenty minutes.

We all sit down and then I realise that Hannah is still standing as there are not enough seats. I look at the others and see they haven't realised so I pat my lap and Hannah understanding my hand movements comes and sits in my lap while sprawling her legs out on Beau's lap as I was sitting beside him. He'll looks at her and laughs. He then whips out his phone and leans his arms on her legs while he checks twitter. Hannah buries her face in the side of my neck as she's obviously still tired. But hey you don't see me complaining!

A few minutes later the receptionist comes over and asks if any of us are her relatives. Daniel raise his hand saying he's her brother. The lady nods and asks him to fill in some paper work. When he's finished he returns the papers to the ladies desk and returns to his seat.

"Hannah Sahyounie" says a male voice. Hannah stands up as do the rest of us. When he sees there's six of us altogether a frown forms on his face and he says "I'm very sorry but I'm afraid only one person will be allowed accompany Hannah for her x-ray". We all nod an ok and allow Daniel to go with her while we take our seats again.

*Hannah's P.O.V*

I walked into the x-ray room with Daniel. I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't Luke with me. It was kind of a weird feeling. I think I'm actually developing something more for him rather than just a crush.

The x-rays were really quick and easy but my arm was still extremely painful. After the doctor checked them he told me that I broke my wrist. I kind of zoned out after that because I didn't really understand what he was saying but Daniel seemed to be taking it all in anyway.

The doctor who's name I learned to be Josh led me into another room along with Daniel and he put a cast on my arm. Apparently it was a really bad break abs so the cast had to go all the way up to mid bicep which meant I wasn't going to be bending my right elbow anytime soon. The doctor then showed us the way back to where we came from and told me to come back in two weeks for a check up. Until then I wasn't allowed drive or really anything that involved using my right hand which pretty much sucked.

We walked out into the waiting room. The boys were sprawled out across the chairs in the most uncomfortable looking way possible. Luke was the first to see us and so he jumped up and ran over. He saw my pink cast and immediately pulled me into a comforting hug while whispering in my ear "Han, I am so so so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you and will help you with anything you need". He then pulled back and kissed the top of my head while I said " it's ok and thank you" I smiled at him just as the other crowded round. Beau sent Luke a cheeky grin and wink and the we both realised his hand was still around my waste. He quickly dropped it and we both started blushing. Jai asked if he could sign my cast. I nodded and he pulled out a permanent marker and signed his name. He then passed the marker to Beau who also signed his name. This continued until they all had signed their names. I smiled at them and said "we best be going home now" they nodded their agreement and we exited the hospital, Luke politely holding the door open for me.

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