Chapter 18

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*Luke's P.O.V*

Today's the day. The day it all goes down. Those last goodbyes will be shared. Condolences offered. Today's the funeral. Where Hannah has to go say goodbye to her grandmother and try be glad to see all the family members she probably hasn't seen since she was a child.

Hannah was sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. I stroking her hair comfortingly. Skip popped his head in the door after a light knock. He smiled slightly after noting our position and my bare chest. The smile quickly turned to a mix between a smirk and a frown.

"It's time to start getting up were leaving in an hour" I nodded so he knew I understood. He quickly exited and I started pecking her cheek trying to wake her up slowly so she has peace for longer instead of facing the day ahead. Her eyelids fluttered open. Both of our faces turning to smiles as our eyes locked.

"We're leaving in an hour" I said sad that I had to break the news.

"Ok. Well I better get up so"

"I'll be there the whole time"

"I know and that will make it a whole lot easier"

"I hope so. But for now we better get up"

"Or we could stay here and then rush through what we have to do"

"And I'd love that but your brother would kill me for keeping you here. He already doesn't like our sleeping position"

"Oh he'll get over it"

"I know but then there's your mom and I'd rather be in the good books than the bad"

"My moms preoccupied with this funeral"

"Still we're getting up"

"Fine but you're gonna have to make me" I took her last request as a challenge. I started tickling her and she started squirming. Her legs went everywhere as she kicked the duvet to the floor. I was laughing as she was begging me to stop. I soon stopped as her foot hit me down there as I fell over in pain. I looked at Hannah as she tried biting her lip stifling her laugh. She hopped off the bed and walked to the door. Before she exited she turned around still smiling as she said "I will not be held responsible for my actions when I am being tickled" with that she turned on her heel and walked out of the door. I shook my head in good nature as I started getting ready for the day ahead.


*Hannah's P.O.V*

I'd greeted all the family members before it started. All the condolences accepted. Truth is I wasn't full paying attention. More trying to let the facts sink in because this was my goodbye to my grand mother. Chances are I'll have to talk to all the people again afterwards and make a fool of myself by forgetting their names.

Right now we were sitting up the front of the church. Luke and Skip by my side. My mother beside Skip. Also there were a couple of people I didn't really know. Quite frankly I didn't think my mother did either. She was just making small talk with them.

The mass was starting and I leaned against Luke for some comfort. He had been very good. Not leaving my side but keeping his arm around my waist and occasionally talking to my family when I was about to cry. I loved the way he knew me well enough that I didn't want to be alone during this and well enough to know when I was about to cry a few moments before others did. Hell...I'm pretty sure I love him and I think I'll tell him tonight. I kind of hope he says it back but not because its the spur of the moment.

I felt Luke's hand gliding up my thigh making a shiver run up my spine. He smirked at my reaction before grabbing my hand trying to focus on the mass going on before us. As he touched my hand I felt one of those electric shocks. Yes I am most definitely and positively in love with Luke Brooks.

I was soon taken from my thoughts when my brother stood up and people started walking towards us to shake our hands. I quickly stood to my feet once again accepting the many condolences I was being offered. I put a weak smile on my face as the line kept decreasing. Never did I know my nana knew this many people.

~~Hotel for sandwiches with close family and friends ~~

This was the final part to the day. Afterwards I could go home with Luke and think about all that's happened and also get these stupid heels off of my feet - remind me not to wear them again?

I sat at a table with Luke as we slowly ate our sandwiches. Some people drifted over to say some final goodbyes to us and then they were gone. My mother walked over to pay the bill as Luke pulled me into his lap and asked "Are you ok?"

"Peachy" I replied a smile tugging at my lips as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Well we should be going back to the house soon. How about a movie night with the laptop in bed?"

"Sounds like a comfortable plan as long as I get to take of these shoes"

He frowned and looked at my heels a knowing smile growing on his face as he slipped his shoes off.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Well the one I love is in pain" he coughed as if realizing what he had just said. Did he mean that? Does he love me? Was it just a slip of the tongue? All these questions were running through my head. It was probably just a figure of speech. Before I knew it my heels were being slipped of my feet and nice cozy band replacing them. I smiled knowing what he was doing. I quickly leaned in for a kiss. Him immediately kissing back. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I was about to grant it when we were rudely interrupted by my brother clapping and rubbing his hands together and stating that it was time to go. We both shot him a glare which he replied to with a cheeky grin.

We walked out of the hotel. Me wearing comfy vans while Luke was in socks with the ground being very gravelly. He decided not to show that it bothered him if it did. However he also decided to pinch my bum slightly making me gasp as he uttered the next few words.

"I love you!" Finishing with a slight peck to my neck as I bent down to get in the taxi taking us back to our house. It was just Luke and I in the taxi so I was safe to do what I did next. I grabbed a hold of his tie and pulled him to me. I kissed his lips lingering for a few extra seconds then wrapped my arms around his waist as I craned my neck so that my lips were beside his earlobe "I love you too". With that a grin grew on his face as he pecked my forehead.

And that's the truth. I love him more than I thought I ever would. And trust me I have totally and utterly fallen hard.


Hey guys :) sorry its been a while. So what did you think of this chapter. I promise that I'll be updating more frequently over the next two weeks as I'm off for mid term :)))) I'm really excited. Anyway I hope you liked it

Love Christine xx

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