The beginning

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Ten 11th graders of Lakeside High School were skiing and skateboarding in the mountains, the snow on the mountains was dry enough to make this a great condition for doing snow-related sports. Axle had never skied before he wobbles around on his skis, looking down the hill as he shakes anxiously, "I- I don't think I can do this, guys...".

Vanessa tries to help Axle out as she pulls the smaller boy slowly by the arms, going down one of the more gentle hills. She shakes a bit herself as she tries to hold Axle up and not fall over, though the day doesn't seem to be going her way. The snow sinks under her foot as she trips back, falling onto the ground. Axle slides down as he loses control, panicking as the anxious boy soon falls face-first into the freezing cold snow. Lifting his head up as he lightly shakes away the snow on his face, laughing a bit with Vanessa soon joining in.

Around the side, Trixia and Damien were just skiing down the hill calmly, not trying to go too fast just to be safe. Damien falls off to the side as Jeremy snowboards past beside him like the wind. Wasn't paying much attention and had almost bumped into Trixia, as he results in picking the girl up on the way and continues to slide down the hill.

"Wow there, Big Bad Wolf! What was that for?" Trixia asks with a small snicker as she looks up at Jeremy, holding on tight so as to not fall off and eat snow, being carried bridal style. "Sorry there, Little Red Riding Hood. Had to do this or else we both would've fallen back there" Jeremy answers, snickering a bit himself as he holds the girl close to him, speeding down the hill before jumping onto an obstacle and skateboarding into the air. "Show off" Trixia playfully rolls her eyes as Jeremy turns to a stop at the bottom of the hill, setting the girl down with a slight bow and a wink, "Show off or not, hope you had enjoyed the ride, M'lady"

"That literally scared me!" Damien says with a small pout as he slides down to the bottom, having almost had a heart attack when Jeremy snowboarded past him, thinking he was gonna fall. Jhales covers up a snicker with his hand as he skis over next to the boy, "You alright, Dami?". Damien looks over to the older boy as he calms himself from the shock, a bright smile appearing on his face as he turns over, "Yup! I'm fine!" He says happily before snickering and smirking at the other boy, "Aww~ Was Jhales worried about little old me?"

"You're a dork, Damien," Jhales says with an amused sign, a small smile on his face and rolling his eyes at him playfully. "But you love me!" Damien laughs as he smiles at Jhales, both walking over to take the rope to go back up to the hill. The older boy only huffs slightly in response and playfully flips him off, holding onto the rope as he slides back up. "Hey!" Damien yells out as he grabs onto the rope himself, sliding up the hill. Laughing a bit as he generally enjoys Jhales' company.

Diana and Zachary just watch the chaos unfold as they sit on chairs outside on the balcony of the little cottage, Zachary drinking a giant cup of coffee as he leans back against his chair. "I'm glad they are all having fun!" Diana says happily as she looks up from her book, looking out at her friends and smiling gently. Zachary nods in agreement as he looks around at their friends, smiling the casual smile that is always on his face before looking back at the cottage, standing up, "I'll go check on them." He says with a small chuckle before disappearing into the house.

"Terry! Come out and play with us!" Tyron, the younger of the two fraternal twins pouts as they pulls on the blanket surrounding their older sibling. Had been trying to get him to come out for the past 30 min and had made no progress. "Leave me be! It's cold!" Terrence whines back as he keeps the blanket wrapped around himself, not wanting to move from the couch, looking over as Zachary walks into the room, "Zach! Help me!"

Zachary just chuckles slightly as he walks over, sitting down on the chair next to Terrence as he eyes the twins, "What are you two doing, exactly?", he asks in amusement as he raises a brow at the two. "I'm trying to get Terry to go outside!" Tyron says as they pouts, unable to get the tightly wrapped blanket off of Terrence, who just stares at them blankly, "Leave me alone... I don't want to go outside!"

"Maybe leave him alone?" Zachary asks Tyron as he wraps an arm around the blanket-covered boy, with Tyron only pouting a bit more before giving up, running out the door to skateboard themself. "Thank you." Terrence says as he gives Zachary a small smile, covering himself up tightly with the blanket and whining slightly, "Why is there no heater in here..."

Zachary just shakes his head in amusement as he pulls Terrence closer to himself, "There is, it is way warmer in here, Rence. It's even more cold outside". Terrence just leans into the taller boy as he signs, snuggling into the blanket, "Nope, not going out there. No way." Zachary just chuckles a bit as he decides to stay inside as well, hugging Terrence close to help the younger boy warm-up, wasn't going to ski or skateboard anyways.

"Ah, it's snowing..." Terrence suddenly says after almost half an hour of comfortable silence, looking out the window as snowflakes float down to the ground, the sky now grey and covered in clouds. "Well, let's just hope it doesn't get too bad," Zachary says as he takes notice of it, wishing that the snow will not bring any inconvenience.

Oh boy, is he wrong.


Welp, My grammar sucks and this probably also sucked (;-;)

This is exactly why this is on Wattpad and not AO3 though XP

I don't even know why I published it XD

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