Truth or Dare Pt 2

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"Awwwww! That's adorable!" The girls squeal as they focus their attention on the couple, having the time of their life despite the relationship not being theirs. Damien just smiles at everyone as he hugs Jhales on his side, who is hiding his face on the other's side and dying inside.

In BSL "They broke Jhales." Terrence signs to the older boy as he snickers in slight amusement, had gotten permission to keep the other's hoodie as he rolls up the long sleeves.

In BSL "Bless his poor poor soul." Zachary signs back with a small chuckle as he looks down at Terrence, leaning back against the seat. Feels bad for the oldest boy in the group despite his amusement at the situation.

"Bleh, emotions," Tyron sticks a tongue out as Jeremy laughs happily, having stalked the two to make sure that Damien had actually done it. Though he is getting scolded by Trixia later about why he shouldn't have done that.

"Alright, next! Umm... Zachary, truth or dare?" Damien asks with an innocent smile, the blond boy pausing and thinking either is a good option before answering hesitantly, "Dare?"

"Hug Tyron!" Damien says as he lets out a mischievous smirk, with the said Parasite froze in place for a bit, "Wait why?! Zach is going to kill me!"

Zachary signs before reluctantly standing up, wanting to get this over with as he gives the parasite a quick hug before pushing them away, a strained smile on his face as he goes back to sitting down, "There, done. Jhales truth or dare?"

Diana looks over at Tyron in slight worry as the parasite smiles and insists that they're fine, the older twin biting down an amused laugh and way too used to his best friend and twin fighting each other.

"Umm... truth?" Jhales is now a bit scared to take the dare despite knowing that Zachary is one of the more mature ones, hesitantly speaking up as he finally recovers from the embarrassment earlier.

"How do you really feel about being the group's mother figure?" Zachary asks with his usual casual smile spread across his face, most of the others looking over at Jhales expectedly.

"I... don't really mind it? I mean, I'm going to be worried about you guys either way, so it doesn't really make a difference..." Jhales admits with a small blush in embarrassment, signing before looking away from the 'kids' staring at him with big smiles, "It's just a bit embarrassing I guess... especially when you call me 'mom' in public..."

"Yay! Our group's official mother figure!" Vanessa, Tyron and Jeremy cheer happily as Jhales looks away and wants to hide again. Trixia shakes his head before pulling Jeremy back onto his seat, "Calm down, Prince Charming. Don't get too excited now."

"L-let just continues..." Jhales says with another sign as he looks around for who he should ask, eyes landing on Trixia, "Trixie, truth or dare?" Trixia blinks in slight surprise at being picked before giving the mother figure a smile, "Truth!"

"Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, then which?" Jhales asks curiously as he eyes the girl with a gentle smile.

"I play violin!" Trixia says happily as she loves her violin very much, had played a lot of Disney songs with it before and is pretty proud of herself. "Umm... Sunshine, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Axel answers happily despite still not knowing why everyone calls him that, giving the girl a bright smile.

"Can I try putting makeup on you?" Trixia asks politely and wouldn't do it if the boy doesn't want her to, smiling happily as Axel gives her his response, "Sure, I don't mind!"

Trixia gets her makeup box out of her bag as she walks over to Axel, applying the makeup onto his face carefully and wanting to do a good job on it, being very focused as Axel closes his eyes, fully trusting the girl with it like the sunshine he is.

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