This is home (Damien and Jhales)

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"Simon!" Jhales hugs his younger brother as he arrives at Damien's home with the younger boy, feeling like he is going to cry as he hugs Simon, glad that the boy is doing alright. 

Simon giggles slightly and hugs back, having missed the older boy a lot as well, "I'm alright, Jhales! Fred and I had fun!"

While the two biological brothers are having their moment, Damien walks over to Frederick as he ruffles the boy's hair and snickers lightly, "How are you bud?"

"Having not missed you one bit if that's what you are asking, Demon!" Frederick says back as he slaps the hand away from his head and fixes his messed up hair.

"Rude much? This is my house!" Damien says with a snicker as Frederick rolls his eyes playfully and bites down a small wheeze, "Well, I live here as well so deal with it!"

"Are we sure that they are not actually related?" Simon asks with a small giggle as Jhales shakes his head fondly, "No, we are not, Hermano."

The two orange-eyed boys watched in amusement as Damien and Frederick bickered around for a bit, both knowing the other is playing so the insults aren't taken to their heart. They kept that up until Jhales walks over to separate the two, "Alright, you two. That's enough.

"Sorry, mom!" The two chaos incarnates says with a playful eye-roll as Jhales shakes his head with a sign, having reluctantly accepted the nickname since the 'kids' are not going to listen otherwise. 

Jhales looks at the two for a bit before giving Frederick a gentle smile and a nod, "Thank you so much for taking care of my Hermano while I'm not here, Frederick."

"Not a problem, Jhales! We had fun anyway!" Frederick gives Jhales a bright smile back in return, having really enjoyed Simon's company and didn't mind having another person in the house at all.

Jhales signs fondly before looking at the time with a slight frown, "Well... it seems like we should head... 'home'. I'll see you two soon." As soon as Jhales said that Simon frowns as he waves goodbye to the two, not looking forward to going back to that house one bit.

"Wait!" Damien and Frederick yell out as the twelve-year-old boy pulls Simon into a protective hug, not wanting to let go as he looks at Jhales in a serious manner, "Don't go back there!"

"Seriously, Mi Amor. You can stay, I... no, we don't mind." Damien says as he looks over at Jhales in an affectionate manner, taking his boyfriend's hand in his, "Don't go back there. That's not home, that's hell. And you know it."

"I know, Cariño... but I really don't want to trouble you two," Jhales says with a frown, not wanting to go back as well. Having been waiting until he is old enough to take custody of Simon and report their birth givers for manipulation and abuse.

"We won't-"

"You are only troubling us by putting you and Simon back into that hell!" Frederick cuts Damien off as he stares at Jhales seriously, holding Simon close to himself as the smaller boy hugs back and not letting go, "I- I don't want to go back there..."

"..." Jhales stays silent for a bit as he looks at the two young children, looking up at his boyfriend as Damien pulls him in for a hug, "Please? Every time you guys go back, Freddies and I have a damn heart attack. What am I going to do if something happens to you?"

"F- fine..." Jhales agrees after a bit, wanting to keep his brother safe and hates it that he is worrying Damien and Frederick so much.

The two kids cheer as Damien hugs Jhales even tighter, "Thank you, Mi Amor. I love you."

"I love you too, Damien... and thank you," Jhales says back as he smiles fondly at Frederick pulling Simon upstairs to play. Really hoping he and Simon aren't going to cause any trouble for the two.

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