Father (Jhales, Damien)

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"Jasmine?" A middle-aged man looks surprised as he looks over at Jhales, the said boy who was just shopping with his boyfriend, turns back in surprise as he hears the name that he doesn't use anymore, staring at the man in mild confusion before recognizing him, "Dad?!"

"Long time no see, Jasmine!" The man smiles before he and Jhales share a hug, pausing slightly before chuckling, looking down at his 'daughter', "Oops- by what I understand, you go by another name now right?"

"Jhales, I go Jhales now," Jhales answers with a smile as he returns the hug, "I actually went trans... about two years now."

"Good for you, my boy!" The man says proudly as he releases Jhales who was almost strangled by the hug, Jhales returns a grateful smile as he steps back from the man as well, "Thanks, Dad."

"Umm... Who is he, Mi Amor?" Damien asks in mild confusion as he stares at the two from the side, didn't want to interrupt the moment earlier but is rather curious as to who this man is, "Your father?"

"Yes, Amor. This is my father before Jessie decided to leave him to marry Jaxon..." Jhales growls out slightly at merely saying the names, signing before smiling over at the Man, "Dad, this is my... boyfriend, Damien."

"Oh my... I did miss a lot, it seems like," The man chuckles lightly before reaching a hand out to shake Damien's, "Nice to meet you, Damien. The name is Thomas,"

"Nice to meet you too, Thomas," Damien shakes the man's hand back with a smile, glad that this man seems to be a good person and not like those assholes back in Jhales' 'home'.

"How long have you been dating my d- son, exactly?" Thomas asks in curiosity as Jhales looks away slightly, Damien only snickers slightly before answering the question, "For about two years and a half now, actually."

"Oh my, I wish you both the best then!" Thomas says enthusiastically, being quite a humble man as he smiles at the two, "Say if you two don't mind, especially Jhales, was it? I would like to catch up a bit."

"Of course not, Dad," Jhales says as Damien gives him a small nod, mentioning he'll wait around here as the two catch up. The two make their way towards a nearby café to chat.


(A little skip later~)

"Jessie did what now?!" Thomas looks at the boy in shock before wrapping his arms around him protectively and apologetically, "I am so sorry for leaving you with her, Jhales... I didn't know she would become like this... and that's why you stopped returning my letters..."

"I know, Dad. You couldn't have known," Jhales hugs back as he reassures the man that it's fine, before deciding to tell him more with a happy smile, "Say, I have a little brother now, and he is adorable."

"Really now? That's nice," Thomas smiles fondly at his son before pulling away, sipping on the cup of tea that he had bought, "I would love to meet him one day."

"I'm sure he'll like that too," Jhales smiles back as the man speaks up again, "Say, now that I know about how horrible that household is, would you and your brother like to come and live with me?"

"R- really?!" Jhales asks as he looks over at his father with his eyes blown wide, would love to get out of that house while not trouble Damien and Frederick by staying at theirs. Knowing how good of a man his father is from his memory and letters he had sent him before his 'mother' took them away.

"Of course, I would've come to meet you sooner if I knew that you guys were living around here now! I would love to have you and your brother around," Thomas says as he gently runs a hand through his son's hair,

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