Family drama pt 2 (Terrence, Zachary, Tyron)

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Zachary was just scrolling through his phone in his room before he heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. Walking out into the hallway to see who it was before pausing, his eyes widening at the mere sight.

The tall boy rushed down the stairs as Gabriella greet the brothers, "Oh, Terrence, Tyron, Michael! Hello! What brings you here so late?"

Terrence has an unreadable expression on his face, to which Zachary has no clue what it's supposed to mean despite having grown up with him.

Zachary watched as the older twin shakily greets his mother, Terrence walks into the house with his hands clenched in tight fists. Tyron is holding Michael's hand gently (somehow) as they greet Gabriella as well.

The blond boy walks over as his brain works through all the possibilities as to why there is a bright red slap mark on the younger boy's face. It looks new, brand new. 'I swear if this has anything to do with that 'Stepmother' of theirs... I am committing murder.'

Taking a deep breath as Zachary greets the brothers as well, meeting eyes with Terrence as the smaller boy looks over at Zachary with his lips zipped up into a thin line.

Gabriella takes Michael from Tyron as she walks the young child and the younger twin towards the living room, "If you two want a moment, you can go to your room, okay Zachary?" The woman is also worried about why the boy is harmed but believes that he will trust Zachary more with this matter. Deciding to give them some privacy.

Zachary nods at his mother as the three walk off. His father is off at work at the moment, so Lucas is not home.

Zach (the name is too long...) feels a tug on his sleeve as he looks down to see Terrence, the younger boy pulling on it lightly to show that he wants to have a minute. He gives the shorter boy a small smile before Zach pulls him along gently to go to his room so that they can talk without interruptions.

Terrence follows behind silently, not making a single sound as he keeps the same unreadable expression on his face. Which only worries the taller boy more, so he sped up slightly.

Not exactly sure why he is surprised, but Zachary most definitely is when the second he closed the door, Terrence tackles him into a firm hug with him trembling violently.

It took the tallboy a solid minute before he finally realizes what is happening.

Terrence is crying... more like sobbing since it is mostly silent.

It's been such a long time since he had seen that happen... it's been years since he had seen a single drop of tear fall from the smaller boy's cheeks.

Zach gently wraps an arm around Terrence's waist, using his other hand to rub small tender circles on the other's back. Wanting to just let the boy cry till his heart's contents before asking him to explain what had happened.

Tears raced down Terrence's cheek as he tries to keep his sobs silent. He is doing a very good job at that, to say the least. Zachary would not be able to tell that the boy is crying if he is not right here with him.

Terrence seems broken, the mere sight of it is breaking Zach's heart piece by piece.

It's becoming even more clear to the older boy as to what had happened. The occasionally sprained arm and cheek slapped red had not been forgotten. And that woman... Isabitch as he calls her, the way she talked to the twins is carved into Zach's brain, making his blood boil just with the mere memory of it.

Zach could feel his anger issue acting up as the hand that had been rubbing Terrence's back slowly clenches into a fist, teeth clenching as he hugs the younger boy even closer to himself

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