Sleepover! Pt 1

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(Axel = Alice)

Alice is following behind Vanessa happily, the two get an invitation from Diana to go to a sleepover with the rest in the said girl's house. Either of the two had really been there before as Vanessa follows the directions on her phone, stopping after a bit as she looks around, "Wait- There is no house here...?"

"W- what do you, Vanny?" Alice asks quietly as she feels her anxiety acting up slightly, wondering if they could be lost as Vanessa reconfirms the address, "Google map told me that we have arrived... that's weird? I'm sure I got the right address..."

As Vanessa is trying to figure it out, someone taps on her shoulder as she looks back in surprise, "Trixia, Jeremy! Hello!" Jeremy grins happily at Vanessa as Alice greets the two as well, "Hello, Vanny, Ax-" Jeremy gets cut off as Trixia looks down at Alice's skirt and her two mini ponytails before up at her with a smile, "Hello, Sunshine! Which pronouns do we feel like today?"

"Oh, it's she/her today, thank you!" Alice answers with a gentle smile as Trixia nods alongside Jeremy, "Well, hello there, Alice!"


"U- umm are you guys lost as well?" The anxious girl asks after they talked for a bit as Trixia looks at the two in confusion, "What do you mean lost? We're here!"

"Here?" Vanessa and Alice look around for anything that resembles a house before Trixia snickers and leads the three to a gate, pressing a button on the doorbell as it lits up, "Yes? Who would this be?"

"Mariana! It's me, Trixia Scotland!" Trixia says happily as the gates soon open up automatically, the woman in the speaker speaking up, "Ah yes! Please do come in! We've been informed that you are coming."

"THIS IS HER HOUSE?!" Vanessa and Jeremy yell out as they walk through the gate, looking around before finally spotting a house- no it's a fricking mansion! "Holy cow!"

Alice is looking around in awe as Trixia snickers at the reactions, having been here multiple times due to being best friends with Diana, reaching the mansion as a woman opens the door and welcomes them in, "It is amazing to meet you again, Miss Trixia! Miss Diana is right upstairs waiting for you!"

"Thanks, Mariana," Trixia says with a smile before leading the three upstairs to Diana's room on the fourth floor, knocking on the door before opening it with permission, "Hey, Diane! We're here!"

"Greetings, Trixie, Vanessa, Jeremy, and Ax- Alice! Welcome to my home!" Diana greets them with a gentle smile as the four make their way into the room. They are the last to arrive at the house as they greet the rest of their friends.


Jhales is currently trapped by Damien while reading a book, with the younger boy's arms gently wrapped around his waist and his head resting on his shoulder. Damien is being as clingy as ever as Jeremy steps away from the two, "Nope. No third-wheeling today!"

Jhales blushes slightly at what had been said and the fact that Jeremy had walked in on them multiple times in the past as he smiles at the boy apologetically, in which Jeremy responds with a bored look and a small sign.

"That is going to be hard since we are having a sleepover and all, ya know BBW?" Trixia nudges the boy with a small snicker as Jeremy lets out a sign, nodding with a fond smile on her face, "Guess I'll just have to stick with you then, Princess. So that I'm not alone in this."

"Guess so, Prince Charming"


Terrence is currently holding Zachary back from attacking Tyron as the younger twin hides behind Alice once the girl had come toward them, Vanessa sweat drops before approaching the three as well, "What happened here?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," Terrence says nonchalantly as he keeps his arms wrapped around Zachary to keep the taller boy in place, actually quite strong despite being a bit small in size, "Ty had frozen all the milk in his house so he had to make coffee without it, and he changed the inside of some of the Oreos into toothpaste which Zach had unluckily ate by accident."

"Not the Oreo..." Alice says with a small pout as she looks down at Tyron sadly, loves her Oreos very much and eats them quite a bit as the hiding teen smiles up at her with a sweat drop, "Sorry?"

"To him?" Zachary asks darkly as he glares down at the Parasite that somehow is always able to get on his nerves, having been dealing with this for the past month and is close to throwing Tyron out of a four-story building's window as Tyron hides more behind the Sunshine, not looking over, apologizing but not really meaning it, "I'm sorry!!"

"No, you're not..." Zachary growls out lowly before turning around to hug Terrence in his arms to calm down, not wanting to murder Tyron in someone else's house as he buries his head in the smaller boy's hair. The said boy only signs before gently rubbing his back to calm him down, slightly apologetic for his brother bothering him this much, "There, there, big guy..."

"Guess you're safe... for now?" Vanessa says slightly hesitantly as Tyron nods, deciding to let their older brother handle this before quietly slipping off to get some strawberry milk, leaving Alice and Vanessa to sweat drop at the fast change of mood, "Yeahhhh... so that happened..."

Vanessa looks over at Terrence calming down Zachary before signing, smiling towards Alice, "Wanna go eat something? Diana said we can eat anything we want from the table!"

"Sure!" Alice smiles back happily before Vanessa takes her by the hand, intertwining their fingers before walking off to get food. The shorter girl feels her face heats up slightly as she squeezes the hand gently, following happily nonetheless to get some Oreo.


Trixia and Diana are talking with each other as Jeremy, Vanessa, and Tyron ate quite a lot of food from the snack table, almost eliminating all food in sight before the boy gets dragged away from the food with a small bonk on the head, "Geez, calm down, will you? Are you this hungry?"

"This food is delicious, okay?" Jeremy defends with a small pout as Trixia just signs, pulling the boy onto the couch to keep him away from the food before smiling apologetically at Diana, "Sorry about him, Diane..."

"Oh no, it's completely fine, Trixie! I told them that they can eat all that they want anyways." Diana answers gently with a calm smile as Trixia smiles back with a fond huff, "You are too nice, Diane..."

"I am not all that nice, Trixie..." Diana answers with a gentle smile as Trixia shakes her head, "Yes you are, don't sell yourself short, Diane. I have never seen you mad or frustrated before! Not even slightly annoyed! It's like you have the patience of a saint!"

"Thank you, Trixie. You're too kind," Diana says gently as Trixia shakes her head fondly at the girl before sweat dropping at Jeremy who had gone back to eating alongside Vanessa and Tyron.


Vanessa was eating happily before she feels a tug on her sleeve, looking over as she tilts her head at Alice, "Yes, Sunshine? Do you need anything?"

"Maybe not eat too much? We need to leave some for the others! Jay (Jhales), Terry, and Zach probably haven't eaten at all yet! We need to save some for them!" Alice says as she looks up at Vanessa with a small pout, the taller girl sweat drops lightly before nodding with a small smile, "Fine... I'll stop."

"Simp," Tyron says as they continue to drink her strawberry milk, currently surrounded by around twenty empty milk boxes as they look up at Vanessa boredly, "Doing anything that will make Sunshine happy."

"E- eh? What is a simp...?" Alice asks in slight confusion as she hopes that it is not something bad, with Vanessa lightly petting her on the head, after throwing Tyron a glare, "It's nothing to worry about, Sunshine."

"Okay then!"

'Am I just going to be third wheeling everywhere I go today?' Tyron thoughts to themself before signing and hugging another box of strawberry milk, "At least I have you, strawberry milk..."

"What?" Jeremy, Vanessa, Alice, and Trixia look over at Tyron in confusion at what had been said as the Parasite smiles at them like he hadn't said anything. Diana only smiles fondly at the scene before going back to talking with Trixia as everyone decides to ignore what had just happened.

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