Family meeting (Axel, Vanessa)

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"Mom?! Dad?! Stella?!" Vanessa exclaims as she walks into Axel's house following the boy, having been invited to come to his house and wasn't expecting to see her family there at all.

"Heya, Sis, Brother Ax!" Stella says with a slightly mischievous look as she walks over to her sister, "So... where have you two been? Spend yesterday together? Just you two?"

"No, we were with all our friends!" Axel answers as he smiles down at Stella innocently, "Why ask?"

"Nothing..." Stella says before pulling her sister down and whispering in her ears, "How in the world did you befriend someone so innocent without corrupting them?!"

"I have no clue, really..." Vanessa answers back before smiling fondly at Axel greeting his parents, his mothers, Evelyn and Alyssa, smiling at him fondly and enveloping him in a hug, "We're happy that you're safe Ax."

"Thank you, Mama, Mom," Axel says smiling as he hugs them back. Alyssa gave the boy a small kiss on the forehead as she asked, "So, my sweet little child, what pronouns do you feel like today?"

"Right now, it's he/him, Mama!" Axel says with a smile as Stella shakes her head fondly and smiles up at her sister, "Genderfluid as well? How more precious can he be?"

"Very, apparently," Vanessa snickers as she watches the interactions fondly, Olivia and Noah also watching from the side, not wanting to interrupt the moment before Noah walks over to Vanessa, "So, how are you, Champ?"

"I'm doing great, Pops!" Vanessa says happily as she hugs her father as well, Olivia only smiles fondly from the side before snickering at Stella suddenly hugging her as well.

After the families made sure that their children are safe and healthy from being in that storm, Axel and Vanessa are finally able to move inside the house instead of just the doorway, the two sitting down on the couch before Vanessa speaks up again, "Say, Pops, Mom, how are you guys here?"

"Oh, we met Alyssa in the mall, and they invited us over!" Stella says happily as she eats some fruits that Evelyn had just freshly cut, the said fruits being put on the table in front of the two, "We all knew that you are going to follow Brother Ax to his house, so we came along!"

"I see... Am I really this predictable?" Vanessa asks with a sweat drop as she takes some grapes from the fruit bowl and eats them up, Stella rolls her eyes as she nods, "Yes, Sis. Very predictable."

"So, did anything good happen to you guys when you were stuck outside?" Alyssa asks as she sits down on the couch facing the two teens, smiling gently, "Anything you guys want to share?"

"Well... Mom, Mama, me and Vanny are dating now!" Axel says with a small blush as he smiles happily at the two, Vanessa just smiles down at Axel with a small snicker as she wraps an arm around the boy, "Mhm!"

"Well, it's about time!" Stella says with a playful eye roll before snickering a bit at the two, "Congratulations, you two."

"Oh my! Congratulations!" Alyssa says as Evelyn looks at Vanessa seriously, "Hurt him and you're dead, got it, Miss?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Vanessa says in a hurry as everyone laughs in the room, Alyssa telling Evelyn to not be hostile towards Vanessa since the two were bound to get together at some point.

"That's my girl! You go, champ!" Noah says with a proud smile as he pets Vanessa on the head, Vanessa smiles up at her dad happily as she accepts the head pat, "Thanks, Pops!"

The two families gathered together as they ate dinner, Alyssa and Olivia talked quite a bit, enjoying the time as Noah spend more time with Vanessa, Axel, and Stella. Evelyn was talking along but had to leave earlier for a sudden business meeting.

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