Family drama (Terrence, Tyron)

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"Brother, Ty!" Michael smiles brightly as he runs over to hug Terrence, with the older boy quickly hugging back, kneeling down onto the ground as he smiles in relief, "Mike..."

Looking up at Grace as Terrence gives the woman a thankful smile, letting Michael go as he stands up, "Thank you so much, Ms. Carter. Especially on such short notice. You're a lifesaver."

"Not a problem, Terrence. Also, please just call me Grace. Michael had been a sweetheart and Mason had fun as well, didn't you?" Grace smiles back as she nudges the young boy standing beside her.

"Yeah..." Mason looks away from the two as he gives them a nod, blinking in surprise as Michael walks over to give him a hug, "I had fun too! Let's play again soon!"

"Mhm." Mason smiles down gently at the younger boy as he hugs back, with Michael smiling happily before running back to his brothers, holding Terrence's hand, "Bye-bye!"

"Bye-bye, Mikey, Terrence, Tyron." Grace waves at the boys as Terrence nods back with a small smile, "Really thank you so much, Ms. C- Grace. Have a nice day, both of you."

"Again, not a problem. We love having little Michael over!" Grace gives the boy a confident smile as Mason waves goodbye, Michael waving back happily with Tyron having already run out the door.

The three brothers make their way back home as Michael tells the two about his day with the Carters. Terrence would become a bit over-protective at hearing how Michael was talking about Mason if the situation is different, but he can only be happy right now since his brother is safe.

"Hey, Mikey! Why do you only call me 'Ty' when Terry is 'Brother'?" Tyron whines out slightly as they pouts down at his younger brother, who just looks up with a bright smile, "Because Brother takes care of both of us!"

"So, what you are saying, is that you and Ty are the same?" Terrence asks teasingly as Michael nods, not seeing what the problem is as Tyron pouts is even more, "I am also older than you!"

"Then act like it," Terrence says with a playful eye roll as they arrive at their house, unlocking the door as they make their way in. William and Isabelle are nowhere to be seen.

Michael runs and jumps onto the couch happily as Tyron soon joins the boy, the two decided to watch some Tv as Terrence makes his way into the kitchen to see if there's any food left in the house. Surprise surprise, the fridge is completely empty as he signs, 'Thank goodness Mike went to Grace's house...'

Michael had already eaten according to Grace, with Tyron only wanting to drink strawberry milk at the moment. The two younger boys just watch the Tv as Terrence does some chores around the house, no one else is going to do it anyway.

The three pause as the door unlocks, William and Isabelle walking into view with Michael running over to greet the two happily, "Father, Ms. Isabelle! Welcome back."

"I'm home, Michael." William smiles at Michael as he pets the child on the head, Isabelle just rolls her eyes as she walks off to set her stuff in their room. Tyron eyes the woman wearily as he stays quiet on the couch to not cast attention onto himself.

William also leaves to set his stuff away as Michael goes back to watching Tv with Tyron, with the Parasite now not completely relaxed as he wraps an arm around the careless young boy. Even more so as Isabelle comes downstairs and into the kitchen where Terrence currently is.

"Finally making yourself useful, I see." Isabelle says boredly as she eyes the dishwashing boy, Terrence glaring over at the woman before he looks away to put the dishes away into the cupboards, "who said anything about that? I just don't want to live in a trashcan is all. It's not like your lazy ass is going to do any cleaning."

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