Snowed in?!

45 1 2

"Are we... snowed in?" Everyone thought this the moment they made it inside... or yelled this judging by their abilities to keep their mouth shut. The little snow had become a snowstorm, forcing everyone inside the cottage house. Now most of them are shivering cold and are cleaning themselves up from being a snow-covered mess.

"Seems like it, we don't know when it might clear up," Terrence says as he and Zachary walk back into the living room with blankets and hot chocolate for the rest, handing them out to help them warm up. The storm outside the door only seems to be getting worse, showing no signs of clearing up, it is getting hard to see past the snow.

Drinking some hot chocolate as everyone sits around the couch. Normal people like Diana, Jhales, Trixia, Axle, and Zachary sit on the couch normally, because they are normal people. Then there are Jeremy, Damien, and Vanessa sitting on the ground in front of the couch even if there are still spots on the couch. And then there are the fraternal twins, with Terrence sitting on the armrest and Tyron laying on the top of the couch cushions like a cat, snuggling up in a warm blanket.

"Jhales, are you alright?" Trixia asks the boy sitting beside him worriedly, having seen the boy flinch in what seems to be like pain, who seems to now have difficulties breathing. "Y- yeah... I'm good" Jhales gives the girl a weak smile before getting another worried look from Damien, who is sitting on the ground in front of him, "Do you want to take the binds off for a bit? It's hurting you, right? Did you put it on for too long?"

The rest is staying quiet about this and having their own conversations, not wanting to embarrass or make Jhales feel self-conscious about himself, most wishing Damien and Trixia can convince him to take the binds off for at least a bit.

The said boy stays quiet for a bit before signing, looking over at the two, "I... I did. I just... feel dysphoric when I don't wear it." Jhales admits as he looks down at his lap, had been transgender for years but doesn't have enough money for transitioning nor is he old enough.

"What are you saying, Jhales! You are manly as hell! You are already a boy in our eyes!" Trixia says with a smile, a hand on Jhales shoulder to comfort the boy. With Damien looking up at Jhales, laying his head in the older boy's lap lightly, "Yeah, she's right! Come on! My man! You are already more like a man than most can ever be! And now you need to take care of yourself, okay?"

"Dami... Trix..." Jhales gives the two a small smile in gratitude, before nodding, "Alright then, I'll go take it off." He says before standing up, walking into one of the spare rooms to do just that. Damien and Trixia shared a smile, happy that Jhales had agreed before going off into their own conversation, waiting for Jhales to come back.

Tyron dozed off as they accidentally slips off the couch, hitting the ground with an "ouch", blinking in shock before going back onto the couch. Terrence, Vanessa, Jeremy, and Damien broke out into laughter as Axle helps them up, anxiously checking if the boy had harmed themself. Zachary and Trxia rolled their eyes playfully at the sight with Diana silently snickering and helping Tyron as well. Jhales walked back into this mess with a confused smile, had been around these people way too much and knows better than to ask what had happened.

"So, there are enough food and supplies here for at least a few days. The blizzard should hopefully be cleared up about tomorrow, so we should be fine." Terrence said as he walks back into the room, having gone with Jeremy to examine the place for its supplies without anyone realizing it. Half the people in the room flinched at the sudden voice due to having not realized that they left in the first place, causing Jeremy to go into a laughing fit, with Terrence just shaking his head and going back onto sitting on the armrest. "Well, that's great to hear," Jhales says as he hides a small smile behind his hand, being one of the only ones to realize the disappearance of the two, calming down an anxious Sunshine that is Axle who had been spooked from that.

The folks decided to all sleep in the living room with the couches and blankets they had already brought in. Had eaten some instant noodles that Jeremy and Terrence had found in the storage room, and now all warmed up and are socializing in the living room.

Axle is getting a bit tired as he is wrapped around a puffy blanket and leaning against Vanessa, snuggling into the blanket and dozing off slightly. Vanessa only smiles as she runs a hand through Axle's hair, a small blush covering her face as she hugs the boy back, starting to doze off a bit herself.

Damien already decides to call it a day as he sleeps on one of the couches cuddling with Jhales and holding him close to his chest, a blanket covering them both as the older boy runs a hand through his boyfriend's hair. Jeremy stuck his tongue out in playful disgust getting a playful glare from Trixia, who is also holding back a laugh at both the cuteness of the couple and Jeremy's childishness.

Diana is reading a book on one of the single-person couches quietly, with Tyron still being a kitty cat and napping on top of the couch with a blanket covering themself, probably going to sleep there for the night if they don't fall over. Terrence and Zachary just have a small little conversation as they lean back against the couch with Terrence still sitting on an armrest. Everyone doing their own thing and tonight is going by at a seemingly fast and easy speed... or is it?




Snowed inWhere stories live. Discover now