Wakey Wakey!

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The night had ended peacefully... well, at least after all that had happened it is as peaceful as it can be. Everyone had a pretty good sleep and is well-rested, with Tyron having not fallen off the couch once. The blizzard outside had calmed down slightly, not completely stopped but they are expecting it to before evening.

Had a rather awkward moment this morning, let's just say that Trixia and Jeremy hadn't ye talked to one another since they had woken up. Took them a bit before remembering just how they ended up sleeping like that, both trying to ignore Vanessa and Diana who are being... well... shippers, should be the best word.

Jhales and Damien are probably the calmest since they are an official couple and all, waking up like normal with Damien laughing at most other teens' reactions to what they had woken up to. Jhales only shakes his head in amusement before walking off to see if they can find any food for breakfast.

Putting his binders back on before walking into the kitchen. The power came back just a bit after everyone woke up, which thankfully broke some tension in the room and directs the attention away from the awkwardness. Finding a bit canned foods as Jhales decides to heat them up to kill any bacteria and enhance the flavours, the stove luckily working. Cooking peacefully before a pair of arms wraps around his waist and a head buries itself into his hair. Laughing slightly as Jhales doesn't even bother looking up, "Can I help you, Dami?"

Damien muffles a few words into Jhales hair as he gets a small laugh from Jhales, who never stopped cooking, "Speak clearly, Mi Amor. I can't understand a thing!". Damien just snickers a bit before lifting his head slightly from Jhales hair, speaking up clearly this time, "I said I want to go back to sleep!"

"You literally slept through the power outage while everyone is freaking out, how can you possibly be tired, Cariño?" Jhales says with a small chuckle as he sets some food out onto the plates he found and washed from the cabinets, looking back at his boyfriend fondly who just shook his head, "No idea, but I really want to go back to sleep..."

"You sure you aren't just being lazy, Dami?" Jhales teases lightly as he smiles up at Damien, who gave him a pout back in return and denies it quickly, "No, I'm not!" Jhales sometimes really wonders how the other is considered 17, the second eldest in the group when he acts so childish sometimes. Shaking his head before trying to get out of Damien's gasp, "Can you let me go, Amor? I need to put the plates on the table."

"No, Stay!" Damien says as he hugs Jhales close to his chest, being clingy since he had just woken up. With Jhales just laughing slightly before sneaking his way out of the hug, "Sorry, Dami. But I really need to put these on the table." Jhales says as he laughs lightly at the pout he got, walking off and setting the plate on the table, "Food's ready if you want to eat!" He yells into the living room as a few run in to eat.

Tyron and Vanessa run into the kitchen as they begin to eat the food, reminding Damien of his little cousins when they visit, laughing lightly as Jhales tries to tell them to save some for the others. Axel is still sleepy as he walks into the kitchen rubbing his eyes gently, "Morning...!" he greets as the others greet him back. Vanessa hands the boy a plate of food she had saved for him with Axel gratefully taking it, thanking the girl happily before going on to eat it. Simp, literally everyone else in this room thinks before moving on to eating their own food.

"Mom! Tyron is eating everything!" Vanessa whines out as she and Tyron fight over a piece of ham, the rest of the room sweat-dropping at the sight before Jeremy speaks up for the first time that day, "Excuse me but umm... who is Mom?" Jhales just signs as he looks over at Jeremy, "By order of elimination... I would guess it's me." Getting a confirming "yes" from Vanessa and a snicker from Damien and Jeremy. "Settle down, you two!" Jhales says as he looks over at the fighting teens, about to stand up to deal with it before someone beats him to it.

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