After the drama (Terrence, Zachary, Tyron)

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(Warning: Accidently added in too much fluff? XD)

The sunlight shines through the blinds of the window and lights up the room. Terrence wakes up to the sun shining onto his face, stirring slightly before his eyes finally adjust to the light around him. Looks up at Zachary as memories of yesterday resurface, feeling a lot better now as Terrence smiles fondly up at the sleeping boy, silently thanking him for the comfort.

Zachary wakes up just a bit after that as he smiles down at Terrence, arms still gently wrapped around the boy's waist as he looks down at the younger boy. Remembering what had happened yesterday as he pushes away the brewing thoughts of hurting Isabelle, "Morning, Rence. How'd you sleep?" he asks fondly despite his voice being slightly husky from just waking up.

"Mhm, I slept well. Thank you." Terrence says as he smiles back, leaning in as he feels the elder's hand moves to caress his hair, "How did you sleep, Zach?"

"It was good." Zachary says before gently sitting up with Terrence still in his arms, using his hand to gently run it through the younger boy's hair, "Let's take another look at the wound, okay sweetheart?"

"Mhm." Terrence nods as he slowly removes himself from the taller boy, looking down at his bandage-covered arms with his lips zipped up into a thin line, wondering how long it'll take until they heal.

Zachary ruffles Terrence's hair affectionately before standing up to grab the medkit, gently taking one of Terrence's arms before changing the bandage for the boy.

Terrence can only look as the taller boy changes his bandages, smiling fondly and thankful for Zach. Staying still so that he doesn't cause even more problems than he probably already had.

"There, we're done." Zachary says before ruffling Terrence's hair one last time, letting go of his arm and smiling at the other gently, "I'll get you some... more fitting cloth to change into and we can go downstairs, okay?"

"I don't think any of your cloth would fit me, you giant... but okay." Terrence snickers slightly as he looks up at Zach from where he was sitting on the bed, taking his arms back as he rubs them slightly.

"Then I guess you'll just have to take my hoodies again," Zachary says with a fond chuckle before going to grab just that, throwing the boy another set of cloth and one of his hoodies, the hoodie landing right on the younger boy's head, "Here." Zachary chuckles out slightly as he smiles at the other.

"Thank you," Terrence snickers lightly as he takes the hoodie off of his head, smiling back at Zach before the taller boy walks off to get changed in the washroom, changing himself.

Popping the hoodie on before he makes his way downstairs, the hoodie almost acts like a dress on the boy as he rolls up the sleeves, smiling as he greets Gabriella in the kitchen, "Good morning, Ms. Gabriella."

"Ah, morning dear! And again, Gabriella will do!" The woman greets back with a smile as she places some breakfast on the table, snickering a bit as she continues, "I mean unless you want to call me Mom. That'll do too."

"Good morning, Gabriella." Terrence says with a small snicker, deciding to dismiss the second statement as he walks over to sit, "Umm... sorry that we showed up unannounced yesterday, and that you had to take care of my siblings..."

"It's all good, Terrence! Michael was a sweetheart, and Tyron gave me no problems!" Gabriella reassures as she lightly pets Terrence on the head with a smile, frowning slightly when taken notice of the arms, "Are you alright, dear? How're your arms doing?"

"It's fine, Miss- Gabriella," Terrence reassures before Tyron runs into the room happily, "Morning, Gabriella, Terry!"

"Morning, Tyron," The two in the kitchen say in almost unison, before laughing slightly.

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