Lights out

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The light had flickered before turning off completely, the blizzard outside not getting any better as night falls upon the teens. The scream startles awake Axle and Tyron, with the latter, once again falls off the couch and looks around the room confused, "Wha-?"

Axel is still a bit sleepy as he looks around the room in confusion, wondering why it is suddenly dark and cold as he snuggles more into his blanket and Vanessa. With the girl hugging Axel back in sudden fear of whatever is going to happen to them, snuggling the boy back for comfort.

Damien on the other hand, is still dead asleep. Jhales sweat-drops slightly at his boyfriend before finding his way out of his gasp, walking over to check on Tyron to make sure they are alright. At the same time trying to calm the others down, not too surprised with their reactions due to having sadly spend too long with them. Signing as he helps Tyron up, realizing that he is becoming a mother-figure for this group of teenagers.

Jeremy had been one of the few that had yelled out when the lights turned off, looking around in slight alarm as the air around them began to get colder. The power is out, so both lighting and heating might soon became a problem unless they find an alternative solution t- Eyes widening as Jeremy suddenly feels a pair of arms around him and something burying itself into his chest. 

Surprised, Jeremy looks down at whatever... or whoever is hugging him, only to be surprised even more at the sight of a shaking Trixia holding onto him tight. Jeremy blinks a few times in surprise before hesitantly hugs the girl back, having no idea what he should be doing as he looks around for help. Sad for him, everyone else is dealing with something else

"Are- are you alright?" Great job! Jeremy thought to himself, of course she isn't alright! What kind of question is that?! "D- dark..." Jeremy hears a quiet whimper, it took him a minute before realizing that it came from Trixia. She... is scared of the dark? Jeremy finally understood what is going on as he keeps his arms wrapped around the girl protectively, hesitated slightly before moving a hand up to her hair as he gently his fingers through it, "H- hey, it'll be alright! I... I'm here, okay?"

Okay, to be fair, Jeremy have absolutely no clue where that last sentence came from. He just said whatever came to his mind that he thought might help. Not used to helping people with emotions at all and is freaking out a bit. "P- playing the knight in shining armers now aren't you, mister." Jeremy lets go of a breath he doesn't know he was holding as he hears Trixia laugh between his arms, snickering a bit himself as he answers playfully, "Knight Jeremy at your service, Princess."

On the side, Diana, Terrence and Zachary had left who knows when. Coming back to the rest with a few flashlights, even more blankets, some logs, and a lighter. Zachary and Diana hand the  blankets out as Terrence walks over and kneels in front of the fire-place, lighting it up as warmth begins to come back to this room. 

Deciding to just sit in front of the fire-place, Terrence sinks in and snuggles against the hoodie he is currently wearing over his original clothing, the hoodie being almost twice his size. Hatting the cold and the others had took a very long time to drag him into this trip. Being alarmingly close to the burning fire but makes no move to get away from it, his head barely visible through the hoodie with his hands already completely covered up.

Chuckles fondly at the sight as Zachary walks over to sit besides the Terrence, had lend the smaller boy one of his spare hoodies that he brought along because he thought his cloth might get wet from the snow... Now he is more scared of it getting burned off. "Hey, maybe get away from the fire?"

"Hmm? Why?" Terrence asks as he looks up at Zachary, still submerged in the hoodie and it really warms him up. "Because you might get burned?" Zachary shakes his head in amusement as he gently runs a hand through the other's hair, taking his hand back before wrapping them around Terrence and pulling the boy away from the fire.

"Nooo! It's cold!" Terrence whines out slightly as he pouts at Zachary, doesn't really care if he gets burned and wanting to go back near the fire. The taller only chuckling slightly before moving and fully wraps the other in his arms, "Is my hoodie not warm enough for you, Rence? Should I take it back then?" he asks playfully, getting elbowed lightly in the stomach in return, laughing lightly. Terrence deciding to just lean back, warming himself up with other's body heat, subconsciously snuggling closer into the hug as Zachary laughs fondly at the act.

With Damien still dead asleep on the couch even with all this chaos surrounding him, Jhales shakes his head fondly before sitting back down besides him. Yelping out in surprise as he gets pulled back down into a cuddle, with the younger boy managing to do that during his sleep, holding Jhales close to his chest as he buries his head in his hair.

Jhales can only hides a small smile as he hugs Damien back, never getting over how much of a dork the younger can be as he dozes off slightly himself. Glad that the others all seem to be doing fine now and feeling the exhaustion coming back to him. Deciding sleep wouldn't hurt as he closes his eyes, falling asleep next to his dork of a boyfriend.

With Tyron back to being a cat, sleeping on the couch. Diana also slowly falls asleep leaning against an armrest, a book in her lap that she was reading using the flashlight. Vanessa and Axle both had calmed down as the sleeps soundly against each other, snuggling in a bunch of blankets on the couch. 

Jeremy and Trixia had talked themselves to sleep, the girl still hugging him as the falls asleep on the ground with Jeremy's back against the couch and Trixia on top of him, his arms wrapped around her to avoid the girl falling off. Terrence had fallen asleep as he leans against Zachary, warm and comfortable for once today with the taller just running a hand through his hair. 

Zachary looks around him at the sea of sleeping teenagers as he chuckles lightly, deciding to lay down as well and call it a day. Gently moving Terrence as he lays down on the ground holding the boy close to him, his arms wrapped around the younger's waist and his head resting lightly on the other before deciding to get some sleep as well.


Am I focusing on some ships more than the other? Yes. No secret there XD

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