chapter-10-North first.

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At the day of the trip,

"Cale I don't want to." Alberu whispered as he was smiling but his smile seemed to be strange today.

But none of the ministers said anything and just treated him like usual. Cale has his infamous poker face.

While Ron was with his usual benign smile standing behind Cale like a proper servant.

Choi Han and his group were standing not far from them. Beacrox was glaring at Cale.

Cale saw this and grumbled quietly. "He is looking at me as if he would chase me with his great sword if I were to leave him."

Ron just chuckled fondly at his young master's cute grumble. His puppy young master is quite adorable.

Cale sighs as he finally had enough of Alberu's whining. So he tucked Alberu's sleeves.

"For fuck sake. Stop it. You're annoying me. We've already talked about this. He is going to be your bodyguard.

I can't babysit you all the time when this fucking trip started because I have to find out where the hell that radish uncle of mine is, so I can fucking deal with him."

Alberu immediately shuts up cause he knows that Cale is mad mad right now.

But he still can't help but mumble one last thing. "What about you?" Cale sighs loudly.

Making the others focus on the two of them. "I have Ron." Because of Cale's low voice no one really heard them.

But they saw how Cale had an annoyed look and saw Alberu slightly frown which looked like he was .....sulking?

What is going on? Was their crown prince being scolded by that trash. And is that trash really planning on those two disgusting animals on this trip.

How could he disrespect the royal family like this? What if those cats did something that will negatively affect their reputation?

They couldn't understand why the crown prince was being so benevolent to such disrespect.

Meanwhile Cale was thinking of something really important, 'I'm hungry and tired. How long are we standing like this? I want to sleep.'

-Human do you want apple pie?

Cale just shook his head.

-Why not?

Raon couldn't understand why Cale can't establish apple pie right now because he's hungry.

"Raon how would you feel when an apple pie just appears in thin air." Raon went quiet for a moment.


"Scared?" "Spooked?" The three children give their own answers. Even though On and Hong didn't hear their conversation they just wanted to answer.

While Alberu and Ron could piece together what happened. They thought that Raon might be worrying about Cale again.

'What a cute baby dragon.' Both of them thought as they smiled. Alberu looked down at his clock.

"Ah it's time for us to go everyone please board your rides." Alberu gestured to them as he went up on his own.

Choi Han follows him inside with Rosalyn. The three of them are in the same one as the two were royalties and Choi Han was Alberu's guard.

Cale and Ron were in one along with the three children. The ministers were on their own.

As Lock and Beacrox were in another one as they were 'heroes'. There are three more carriages for servants and five more for the luggages.

The knights and the guards will be following them on horse or on foot. Just like that their journey begins.

Cale's face was bright and he had a smile on his face as he sat on the comfy bed like a couch.

He was smiling while reading a letter. It was a letter from Zed telling that he prepared this especially for Cale.

So Cale will have a very comfortable trip not because he was scared that Cale would stop calling him 'uncle' anymore.

Cale guessed he could forgive him for a little bit because he was being so generous.

"Young master are you comfy?" Ron asked as Cale nodded. "That's great." Cale felt cold as Ron said that.

But Ron only said it because he was worried that Cale would not be comfortable.

-Wow isn't the favouritism too much.

Cale couldn't hear a familiar voice in his head that was not Raon's. The baby dragon was busy playing with his siblings.

"Your highness whatever do you mean." Cale decided to feign ignorance.

-You- whatever.

Cale feels like he can hear Alberu sigh from here. Cale just shrugged as he started to doze off.

Meanwhile Alberu sighed loudly which caught the two's attention. "Your highness, are you ok?"

Rosalyn asked as Alberu somehow seemed tired. Like he has given up on something.

"I'm a fine princess." Rosalyn decided not to ask further as it was not her business.

But she was still suspicious about the flow of mana from before. She didn't know that the crown prince of Roan was a mage.

She just looks out of the window as they head to their first destination, Ubarr territory.

They decided to head north first.

Pic not mine! Found it online. Credit to the owner. I will add this Pic in the following chapters for better understanding of the trip.

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