chapter-14- Pitiful life.

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As soon as Eric finished reading the letter he send another letter to the Henituse mansion.

A letter that will be cause of new headaches to the king, Zed Crossman.

The context of the letter Amiru send were,

Dear Eric,

I'll cut to the chase as I am very busy. On the night Cale arrived here, he was almost hurt. It was the third prince faction. I'll leave it to you for the preparations. It seem to me that we have been too quiet.

Best wishes,

Eric immediately have a basic understanding of what happened after reading that letter.


"Achoo!" Cale sneezes. Immediately a handkerchief appear in front of him courtesy to Ron.

"Thank you." Cale mumble as he received the handkerchief. Cale was inside his room on the ship along with Ron and the children.

Cale was playing with the golden plaque he got from the crown prince a while ago.

He was going to need it for something very soon. Cale smirk knowing that Toonka should be going back to the Whipper Kingdom right now.

After all Cale was satisfied with the results of the talk he had with Toonka before breakfast.

"Human are you going to scam someone?" Raon who was playing on the bed asked as he glance at Cale.

Cale face turn expressionless in a matter of seconds. Then he sigh. A knock came from his door at that moment.

Ron went to open the door with a benign smile. Cale couldn't see who was it due to Ron's body covering his view but he was able to make out the bright blond hair.

"What bring the majestic sun to my quarters. I might not able to sleep at night anymore due to your overwhelming presence."

"Cut the crap." Alberu mouthed to Cale as he still have to keep up his approach because Choi Han was behind him.

Ron just smile as he let him in. Alberu just ignore the threatened smile that was directed to him.

"Choi Han stay here." Choi Han didn't move at Alberu’s command and just keep glaring at Cale.

Alberu was starting to sweat bullet because the longer Choi Han stares the scarier Ron's smile gets.

"Choi Han he's my instructor. Don't you think I know him more than you."

At those words Choi Han reluctantly agree and Ron slammed the door on his face.

"So what do you what?" Cale immediately drop the facade once Alberu put up a sound barrier.

"Well I was about to say this before but someone throw my communication device into the fucking sea."

Alberu was smiling but his eyes were not smiling at all. Cale look away. "It's because you were disturbing my sleep."

"Then why were you out in the sea at night?" "Raon want to show me something."

"You- Haaaaa. Your driving me crazy." Alberu mumble as he give up trying to understand Cale.

He should've expected it since the Henituse love to spoil their children rotten. Take count Henituse for an example.

"I assume you already know about what happened?" Cale nodded. "We found out he was from my brother's faction."

"Which one? The corrupted one? Or the spoiled one?" Alberu could only sigh.

There was only one person in the whole Roan kingdom that will talk about the royal family like this.

And yes that person is Cale Henituse. What did he expect from someone who even curse at Gods on a daily basis.

"The spoiled one." "Noted." Cale answer him. "So what do you want to do."

Alberu asked because he was quite angry himself. He thought of Cale as a little brother even if he is a little demon.

If Cale were to get hurt he would've make sure the to flip the entire continent to make that bastard pay.

But just like Cale, he would rather die them admit it in person to Cale.

"Nothing." Because there are people who will take care of it for him. The second part went unsaid.

Cale was sure Amiru and Eric will take care of it. After hearing it from Ron about what happened.

Cale went to Amiru and whine to her about it. Amiru said that she will take care of it.

What Cale doesn't know is that, by taking care Amiru mean to involved the whole northeastern region.

"I expected it." Even if Cale was a little demon, Cale was kind. Too kind sometimes.

He doesn't care about himself. But if this was to occur to any other person, he would flip everything. What a crazy but selfless bastard.

"We will be arriving to Paerun soon." Cale nodded. The territory of the guardian knight family. Or the territory of the crazy lunatic as Cale like to call it.

Since that bastard is a subordinate of his uncle Cale was planning to do some classic scamming.

'He's planning something isn't he.' Alberu thought as he look at the satisfied face of Cale.

His history of dealing with Cale has given him a 'Cale is planning something and it is something that will give me a headache' radar.

And his radar is screaming right now. But he also know there is no stopping him. So he could only sigh. What aoitiful life he live.

 What aoitiful life he live

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