chapter-25-A little happy

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At this sentence, the nobels seemed relieved to be away from Alberu's smile which seems to be colder than the north.

"Of course instructor-nim then what do you say our next destination will be?"

"Our next destination will be Roan Kingdom." Cale smile innocently as he said that. The room went quiet.

Cale's face turn worried. "I was foolish and incompetent. I shouldn't have brought his highness here. Because of me he got kidnapped in the Paerun kingdom.

Thanks God, that the heroes found him. If not I don't think I will ever forgive myself for dragging my student into danger and being a horrible instructor.

Therefore I've made a decision to repent. I will take on this task on my own and leave his highness in the safe hand of the kingdom."

Silent envelope the room again. After Cale's not-so-fake speech on how he is worried about everything.

The road back to Roan kingdom was smooth. After Cale's speech of an incompetent instructor and his worries of his highness, the noble agree with him that Alberu should stay in Roan.

And it was decided that Cale was to take on this task alone. Well not alone, as there was a condition for Alberu to set.

That condition is to bring the heroes, and the nobles once again agree wholeheartedly, saying that it would be safer for Cale to take them. Cale was confused on why they were acting like that.

Unknown to him, his 'speech' just touched the heart of the noble and has entirely changed the nobels view on him,  from trash to a worry instructor. But Cale doesn't need to know that.

He also doesn't need to know that his reputation that he tries so hard to create for the last 10 years has gone down the drain, once they got back to the Roan kingdom.

"I've heard everything from Alberu, Cale." Zed put down his teacup as he said.

"What are you planning to do? You know it's dangerous to go alone right?"

"I unfortunately have to take the heroes, don't I? And we don't know What that bastard is trying to do."

Zed could only nod. "Wait father? You're letting him go?" Alberu drag his father into this, thinking of a way to keep Cale grounded but his father seem to be agreeing with him.

Is his father crazy? "Even still, I can't let you go Cale." Alberu was wrong. His father is the best. Yes,  they can't let Cale go.

"You do realize that that bastard won't touch me right?" Zed sigh. "But still-" "It's fine uncle. I won't get hurt. I'm sure that bastard won't dare to lay a hand on me."

"That is true." "Father!" Alberu looked at Zed with disbelief but Zed raises a hand to stop Alberu. "But you must come back once a week and report."

"Deal." Alberu couldn't believe what his father just said. In the end, his father is still the useless king.

After the talk with the king, Cale went back to the Henituse territory. As he appeared in the underground training area,  he was greeted with the sight of a nervous Hans.

'Why is he so nervous?' Cale thought as he looked down at the kittens who was tapping him.

"What? Are you hungry?" On and Hong nodded.

-Human hyung said that he wanted to go play and Noona said that she wanted to eat steak. I want to go with them.

Cale nodded indicating that it was OK for him to go with On and Hong. Then Cale approached Hans. "Here."

Cale handed On and Hong to Hans and said "Take care of them." Hans eyes turn from nervous to adoration as soon as he saw On and Hong.

He immediately grabbed the kittens into his arm and bowed at Cale. "Yes, young master, I will do my best to take care of the kitten-nims."

Cale didn't say anything and just nodded. Since he had business to attend to, he left them.

Cale arranging his plan in his head,  as he was walking down the hall of the Henituse manor.

He came across a familiar figure who seemed to be shocked to see him. Basen was talking with a servant when he heard footsteps.

He turned around to see his one and only hyung-nim. He didn't know Cale was coming back today.

Why didn't anyone informed him. He could have prepared to welcome Cale.

Judging from the shock and nervous look on the servant's face, it seemed that this was a surprise prepared by his dear hyung-nim.

His father must known as his hyung-nim seemed to come from the underground arena, which was being used as an emergency teleportation room.

Which mean he was the first to know apart from his Father. Which made him a little happy.

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