chapter-21-Don't make me laugh.

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"So instructor-nim, may I know what all this is about." Alberu's not so false smile was twitching as he said that.

Alberu still remember the letter he received from the chubby dragon who is eating cookie in the next room right now.

Alberu was still confused after the encounter he had near the lake, when a certain black dragon appear in front of him.

"Cookie Prince!" "Ra- Raon-nim." Alberu try to hide the shock he just received from the sudden appearance.

"Here." Raon handed Alberu a letter by magic. "Human told me to give this to you. I'll have to go back now. Humans can be left alone too long or he'll go somewhere and get hurt again."

Raon said that as he disappeared. Honestly he would agree with Raon but that's for later. From the look of it, this letter seems to be more important.

And just as everyone though the letter contained Cale's plan. Well not his plan, it was just a letter orderi- I mean requesting Alberu's help to play a role in his plan.

And that's why Alberu play the kidnapped Prince part. "I plan to squeeze information out of that fucking bastard and since I have a leash on him I can use him to fuck the white star up.

After I get what I want, I'll hand him over to you. So you can make use of him for Roan." "You crazy bastard."

Alberu said that as he brushed his face with his hand. "So how did you find out about the wyvern thing."

Cale smile innocently at him. "Do I really want to know?"Alberu smile as Cale just keep smiling.

"Well you're shining son of the Roan kingdom who is also the reason I was able to-" "Just get on with it Cale." Cale nodded.

"Raon was the one who found out about it. Just as we arrived Raon told me there's something weird in the training field in the Sekka estate.

So I sent Raon and Ron to check it out this morning. That's how I found out about Clopeh raising wyverns. For the next 3 Days of our stay here, I plan to squeeze everything I want to know."

Alberu could only pity Clopeh in his mind. He's in for a hell of a ride. Whatever Cale plan to do to Clopeh during the next 3 day, Alberu plan to stay away.

"All I have to do is keep Choi Han's group in check right?" Cale nodded. "I don't want a rabbit dog running around."

3 days later,

"Thank you for your cooperation with us Duke Sekka.Alberu thanked Rock Sekka with his princely smile.

"Well since my son seemed to really have been marveled by the intelligent of your instructor and even went as far as to beg on his knees to agree to this alliance, I wouldn't have a choice in the end."

Rock's honest statement made Alberu's smile wider Rock Sekka sighed as he stared at the red head individual behind Alberu.

He was eating cookies? Rock Sekka's eyes turned into confusion. He couldn't understand what his son is thinking.

Maybe he had spoiled Clopeh too much but how can he refuse when Clopeh literally grab his leg and beg while mumbling about Cale Henituse being a God.

And how he'll only be able to write a legend by helping that esteemed person. Maybe his son has finally lost it. Who knows?

A cold wind blew at that moment. "Achoo!" Cale sneezed and all eyes turn to him in an instant. "Young master?" Ron's wary voice reached ear.

At the same time an overcoat was flung over his shoulder. Beacrox's blazing gaze. Rosalyn’s and Alberu’s worried glances, Choi Han's confused gaze, Raon's 'weak human you can't die' shouts, On and Hong's weary paws on his leg and the judging gazes of the other envoy.

Cale blink at them confused and tilted his head. Why was everyone looking at him? He just sneeze or is it something else?

Meanwhile the true thought of others were different from what Cale was thinking.

'I shouldn't have let The young master out in the cold too long. The puppy is quite weak. I should make him some lemon tea later.' -Ron.

'Attention seeker no one is that weak.' -Beacrox.

'Oh my. Is the young master sick? Poor thing. I should go and check up on him later.' -Rosalyn.

'That crazy and stupid bastard. He's driving me crazy. You should go rest when you are sick bastard. Not stay outside in the cold fucker. Say something, do you know how worried you make people when you don't say anything and cover everything with 'I'm fine'. You can share your burdens.' -Alberu.

'Is he actually that weak that he got sick from a breeze?' -Choi Han.

'That trash! How dare he acts so Impudently.' -1Bitch 1.

'He's ruining his Highness's image.' -Bitch 2.

'I knew that trash doesn't deserve this position.' Bitch 3.

"I guess a trash is still a trash after all. *snort*.' -Bitch 4.

'The Duke must be saying this out of courtesy. A trash was the reason for the alliance to form? Don't make me laugh.' -Bitch 5.

(Bitch your life is a laughing stock, you insignificant no name. Don't you dare insult my precious little ruby. *wrap Cale up in a blanket and hug him* my baby don't worry. I'll make those no name pay. So get well baby. *kiss Cale's head.)

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