chapter-22- Clopeh's grip.

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Cale's eyes landed on Beacrox and immediately turned way as he saw his glare. 'Ron please stay 5 feet away. I'm too young to die.'

-You can't die, weak human. Hang on!  I'm putting a temperature managing spell on you.

At the same time, another spell surround Cale’s body. Cale look around to see Rosalyn smiling at him.

Cale just nod his head as a thank, even though she didn't need to do that as Cale had Raon.

While Rosalyn on the other hand, fell strange. 'I was right. The young master seemed to have a mage around him. That mage must be hidden. And they seem powerful too.

The spell just now, it seemed to come from the same mana source as the shield at the lake. Could it be-'

Rosalyn sparkling gaze turned to Cale. "Noona?" Lock was confused on why Rosalyn was looking at Cale with such an intense gaze.

"I apologize for my tardiness to send of our guests. " A voice that gave Cale goosebump was heard.

Everyone's eyes turn From Cale to the newcomer. There was Clopeh with an overly shining smile walking towards them.

Cale's face pale from remembering about the last encounter. The encounter that made Cale decide that he's never going to see Clopeh ever again.


"Then I guess I finally got everything I want. I want to thank you for collaborating with me." 'Strange.' Cale can't help but think.

Cale thought that Clopeh would rebel a bit but for some reasons, that he thought was better for him not to know, that lunatic has been quite easy to handle.

Obedient would have been the right word. He listened to everything Cale said.

At this rate, he might even bark if Cale told him to. "Cale-nim." And another thing, he has been insisting on calling Cale, 'Cale-nim'.

Cale didn't do much and let him be. "What?" Cale responded calmly, ignoring the dread he is feeling right now.

"May I ask a question." "Go on." Cale just calmly waited for Clopeh question. He picked up a cookie and bite it.

"Cale-nim are you a God or perhaps a god's messenger?" Cale accidentally swallow the cookie down the wrong pipe at the crazy shit Clopeh was spouting.

In his opinion, Clopeh was blabbering nonsense. "*cough* *cough*" "Young master." Ron's gentle hand patted his back.

And handed him a cup of lemon tea, which Cale didn't know as he swallowed down but he immediately spit it out as he takes the bitter yet extra sour tea.

Cale was pouting as he wiped his mouth. After noticing what he has just done, Cale compose himself back and wipe his mouth with a handkerchief Ron handed him.

Without looking at Ron, Cale swore he was going to get killed. He just spit that demon tea out.

Cale focus his attention back to Clopeh clasping his hands together as if he was praying to a God.

"What kind of fucking bullshit are you spouting?" Cale couldn't even keep his tongue under control as he swear at Clopeh.

"I'm right. Right? That's the only answer for everything. How you seem to know about everything and how you were able to fill the lake with water again. Water that don't froze in the middle of the cool cool weather."

Clopeh eyes turn completely crazy. In the end, Cale had to run away as he wasn't able to deal with him anymore.

Flashback ends,

And that's what happened. He has been avoiding Clopeh since that day. So what the fuck is he doing here.

Cale's face pale as soon as he saw Clopeh but no one really has noticed it. Since they were too focused on Clopeh even Raon.

-Human what is that crazy human doing here?

Clopeh walk toward the group. His eyes turned cold as soon as he turned his eye to the bit- I mean nobles who were looking at Cale with mocking gazes.

Without even greeting anyone of them Clopeh walked toward Cale who was in the very back of the crowd.

Everyone was confused on what he was trying to do. As soon as Clopeh reached Cale he bent down and held Cales pale hand and kiss it.

The whole port was quiet. "Thank you so much for giving me the honor of knowing you Cale-nim."

If this was Halloween, Cale would be perfect for a ghost but right now instead of focusing on Cale's complexion, they were more focused on the name Clopeh called Cale.

Clopeh smile at Cale. His smile seem to be saying 'I did good right?'. Cale had to muster all of his willpower to make sure he doesn't slap Clopeh across the face.

Thanks to Cale's love for money, someone interrupt them before Cale could slap him.

Someone or a certain sun (in Clae's eye at the moment) held Clopeh hand and pull Cale away from Clopeh's grip.

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