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As much as the servants that are shaking more when Cale got nearer Basen's face become brighter and brighter.

When Cale was just 5 feet away from him, Basen took the first step to greet Cale. Totally ignoring the shaking servant.

"Welcome back hyun-nim." Basen bowed at Cale. Cale nodded. "I'm back." Basen's face turned to shock.

He wasn't expecting a response, he at least expect a nod. He thought that Cale was just going to nod at him and continue on his way.

But not only did Cale stop, he even replied to his greeting. For Basen,  who have been trying for years to get Cale's acknowledgment, this was like winning a lottery.

Basen had always been aware of Cale's mask but he didn't have the intelligence to see through Cale's mask, to know the real Cale.

But deep down, he had always known that Cale wasn't really a trash as people portray him as.

His hyung-nim has always been kind and smart. Cale exceeded in many things that Basen lack.

But Cale has always hide everything under his mask. Basen only notice that because once, he saw something that nobody has seen.

That night, Basen was going to the garden to get a breath of fresh air because he was tired of dealing with the elders.

When he came across voices inside Cale's study. Nobody really used this study, so he thought it was a thief at first.

So he looked inside, imagine his shock when he saw Cale inside the room. Just 4 hours ago,  he saw Cale who was being carried to his room because he was drunk out of his mind.

But his hyung right now seem completely sober. He still had that blush but he seemed sober.

He was talking with an unknown man across the communication device. Basen couldn't see who it was but he had heard the conversation.

-So you won't be coming?

"Yes, some idiot are trying to create a black market in my territory. I have to get rid of them first."

-Haaa you really are crazy. Do you want help?

"Do I look like I need help. This is my territory, I can handle them."

-I don't really understand you, you know?

"You don't need to."

-You crazy bastard. I swear if you overwork yourself again, I'm-

"Haaaa look hyung, even if I'm not gonna be the Count, this is still my family's territory. Plus I need to prepare it to become peaceful for the time when Basen become count. My father is an idiot. He's a great count and father but still an idiot. So I need to take on that role for him."

-Why don't you just become the count? You're already pretty much in control of the whole territory. Your father is only a count in name since your mother died. To me, you seem more like the count than your father.

"I don't want to be the count."

-Then why are you doing all this?

"For my family's futurel"

-You- haaa you really-

Basen couldn't hear the rest of the conversation anymore but the word Cale said was being repeated in his head.

'for my family's future' His hyung-nim, the one who had sacrificed everything just for them.

'so I need to take on that role for him' His kind-hearted hyung-nim that has been playing a trash to protect them.

'this is my territory' His hyung-nim who is still protecting the same people who had been bad mounting him.

'to me you seem more like the count than your father' His hyung-nim was doing everything for them.

'if you overwalk yourself again' His hyung-nim who was always so fragile.

'for the time when Basen become count' His hyung-nim who has been sacrificing his everything so they can have everything.

How could such a kind hearted person be a bad guy. From then on, Basen swore to lessen his hyung-nim's burdens as much as he can and help Cale by not becoming a burden.

When he found out that Cale was the crown prince’s instructor, Basen felt like he was being slapped across the face.

His hyung-nim hasn't been just trying hard for the future of his territory, he had been trying hard for the whole kingdom.

Basen was even more determined to lessen Cale's worries but he hasn't seen him since the terror plaza incident.

It has been almost a week. His hyung doesn't seem to have changed much. He he had heard about what happened at the Paerun kingdom.

His hyung-nim even went to the enemy's territory to stop a war and even gain their respect.

As expected of his hyung-nim. Basen become startled at the hand in front of him.

"Basen are you ok?" "Huh? Oh yeah. I apologize I seem to have space out."

Basen's face turn red as he was embarrassed for showing Cale an ungrateful sight in front of him.

"It's fine." Cale patted Basen's head and started to walk. Basen stop him by pulling his sleeve.

"Umm hyung-nim?"

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