chapter-33-this room out.

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Harol was still considering things. 'Why did he want to go alone with me? What is he trying to do?

Surely he wasn't serious about the view thing, right? Overall, he seemed weak, I can take care of him easily but the problem are those people of his group.'

Harol consider the pros and cons, and finally decided to accep it. "Fine, I'll guide you to the liege's room."

Harol said as he started walking toward the elevator. He and Cale went up to the liege room alone.

Of course with the invisible little dragon flying near Cale. When they got to the 20th floor there was only one door.

The liege's room. Cale was the one to open the door and step in first. The room was a mess.

There are even some bloodtsains left. "Young master, I don't know what you are trying to do in this filthy room."

Harol said as he followed behind Cale. "Now now now, chef Harol that's not the way to talk about your father now. Is it?"

Harol flinch as Cale said that. He started sweating but tried his best to appear calm. "Young master, what are you trying to imply?"

Cale didn't say anything else and look back with a smile. "You see, since I become his highness's instructor, I have done a lot of research.

Trust me when I say a lot, and thanks to some sources, I have found out a lot of things about many strong and influential people in the Western continent and even some from the Eastern continent.

To be honest thanks to those information, I was able to avoid many and unpleasant situation and learn a lot of new things.

That include the birth of the magic tower liege's illegitimate child." Harol couldn't hide his shaking eyes and Cale wasn't the one to miss this.

'Bingo.' Cale wasn't sure about it at first. Cale did know about the bastard child of the liege but he didn't know wether it was Harol or not.

He just started getting suspicious when Raon told him Harol seemed to be a mage but his magic is very weak.

And thanks to the annual ring of life, Cale check his lifeline and found his age similar to the birth of the liege's bastard child.

Somethings started to add up. So, Cale decided to take the risk and say 'your father'.

If Harol wasn't the bastard child then, he can brush it off as if he was talking about how the tower master being the master and father of all mages but the way that Harold started losing composure says it all about his suspicions.

That he was right and the more he talked about it the more Harol eyes started telling him everything he needed to know.

He really should thank his maternal family for helping him with everything. Especially his cousins.

Of course, he didn't include that fucker of an uncle of his. He's going to smack the shit out of that bastard.

So, he can finally get back to his senses. Cale just smile softly at him but to Harol, he looked like a devil.

:Now may I be left alone for a while?" Harol tried to talk but he failed.

"Chef, I have no desire to expose your secret but I would prefer it if you would cooperate." (translation - listen to me or else.)

Harol could only grit his teeth and bow. "Then I will wait for you outside young master."

Cale nodded and watched Harol leave. "Raon." "I already set up a sound proof barrier. Don't worry that little mage won't sense it."

Cale nodded and pat Raon's head. "Human, what are we doing here? The little mage is right. This room is filthy."

Raon grumble. Cale didn't say anything and just walked toward the window.

"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to look at the view." Cale said in a mischievous tone.

"Huh?" Raon flew to Cale in a confused manner. "Raon, can you feel something from the window?"

"Now that you've said it, there seem to be something here, Human." "Bingo."

Cale smile just got wider. When Cale got here, the tower didn't seem to contain any valuable items.

Would the famous magic tower like this be empty without any valuable magic devices? He didn't think so.

So there was only one answer. They hid it. The tower master was said to be a greedy person.

Therefore there should be something valuable in his office and Cale’s experience in dealing with politics and shit help a lot in this situation too.

This is only the beginning. Things that are kept here should only belong to the tower master.

There must be something that the tower itself possess. He'll check it out later. Raon go with me on tonight.

Right now, let's check this room out.

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