chapter-24-Go to hell.

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"Stupid Cale nya." "Yeah a big stupid " " Noona and Hyung is right the human is stupid. He's smart but stupid!"

Cal look at the children with a 'what did I do' look. The children decided to ignore Cale as he made them worried.

'They ignore me?' Cale was really starting to question his life. But he just sigh and said something else. "So how did everything go?" "You- haaa"

Alberu felt hopeless with this crazy bastard.  "Good. Just like you said when I reveal to him about the what I know he was shocked.

So I state deal. A deal with Clopeh's life . And he agreeded . Pearun is in our hand now." Cale nodded.

"So? Are you not going to tell me about why you decided to target Pearun first? I'm sure it's not just because they were plotting to attack Roan."

Cale held up a finger. "Firstly, they has association with Arm." Cale held up another finger. "Secondly, that bastard is useful and thirdly-"

Cale hold up a third finger. "I still want to have my slacker life after this. So I need to put a stop to all and every possible thing that can yhreten my slacker life and family. And my money."

Alberu was seriously at a lost for word. A knock came at that moment. "Your highness, it's Tasha. The nobels are requesting a meeting with your highness."

Alberu frown. "Tell them that I'm busy taking care of my instructor-nim and they can wait until later."

"I'm afraid I've already said that and they are demanding a meeting right now. Saying that it's 'important'."

Tasha did not just roll her eyes. Alberu was getting annoyed. They are acting as if Cale's life is not important.

Before Alberu could say anything Cale beat him to it. "Go on. They are calling your highness. After all, this lowly nobel does not dare to take anymore of your highness's time."

And Alberu was tired with this bastard. So, he cook up a plan that can hit two birds with one stone.

"I see  if it's that important please tell them to come here." Soon enough Cale's room was filled with the nobels.

Ron and the children has gone out. Cale was on his bed 'recovering'. Alberu was sitting on a chair beside Cale's bed.

The nobele were left to stand. There were chairs but Alberu made no gesture for them to sir.

So according to nobels' etiquette they were left to stand. "Your highn-" Before any of the nobels could say anything, Alberu stop them by holding a hand out.

"I wonder what is it that you have to say that can't wait until later. After all I'm tending to my 'instructor' who is 'sick' and is quite busy. I do hope that people such as yourselves would understand."

Albery made sure they understand Cale's actual position and that they should not cross the line if they head brains.

One of the nobels cough as he understand the thread behind Alberu’s words and glare at Cale before turning his attention back to the crown prince.

"We're just wondering about the location of our next stop. So we can prepare what we need to do without having any hindrance."

He looked at Cale as he said that. A tick mark formed on Alberu’s forehead. As he know what the nobel was implying.

Even after he warned them, they dare call Cale a hindrance. "Well I seem to wonder that too. What would you say instructor-nim?"

All the nobles became disbelieved at Alberu's words. "Wouldn't you be better suited for that decision your highness?"

(meaning:  don't drag me into your problems)

"Of course not, your decision to come to the Paerun kingdom first has turned out well and it is you who suggested the idea to my father. Thanks to you, we managed to stop a future war."

All eyes turn to Alberu at the mention of war. "Your Highness what do you mean by war?" Akberu just smile.

"You see my instructor-nim has found out something about the Pearun kingdom and wanted to investigate.

So we used this as a mask to come investigaste the Paerun kingdom and even found out that they have been planning to attack Roan."

Alberu acted dramatic as he looked at Cale with admiring eyes. "Thanks to him, now we would be able to prevent a futurr war and it's all thanks to my instructor-nim's affords.

Didn't you hear? Even the young master's Sekka as come to admire my instructor-nim."

The whole room become quiet. Everyone including Cale was looking at Alberu with a 'what is this bullshit' look.

Cale was the first to regain his senses as he decided to change the subject.

"You think too highly of me your Highness. Then shall we discuss where we are going next?"

Cale wanted to swear at Alberu but he have to mind his behavior as he was revealed as Alberu’s instructor.

But boy, he would be happy to grab him by his shiny head and just throw him out of the ship window, into the sea.

So he can go to hell.

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